- From: Maxime Lefrançois <maxime.lefrancois@emse.fr>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2018 15:53:07 +0200
- To: “public-lbd@w3.org” <public-lbd@w3.org>
- Cc: "iot-sisiot2018@easychair.org" <iot-sisiot2018@easychair.org>
- Message-ID: <CALsPASWJsx22+rzQ0wt4=-6Adn0OPESpCwQx93Lp83=GgAoUdw@mail.gmail.com>
Dear Linked Building Data community members, Please consider contributing to the SIS-IoT 2018 workshop, held as a part of the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2018): 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability and Standardization in the IoT (SIS-IoT 2018) Santa-Barbara, California, 15th October 2018 WWW: https://iot2018wt.github.io/sis-iot/ E-mail: iot-sisiot2018@easychair.org The main objective of this workshop is to bring SDOs and industrial practitioners in IoT with an interest in semantic interoperability together with the strong and successful research community at IoT 2018 to discuss current trends and challenges in Semantic Interoperability and Standardization in IoT. Semantic technology and linked data are perceived by the IoT industry as beneficial technologies to enable semantic interoperability in the fragmented landscape of IoT ecosystems and platforms. However, most industrial practitioners are not familiar with these technologies and are not willing to learn them, as they believe the learning curve is too steep. IoT developers - whether device manufacturers or application developers - ask for rather simple ontologies that are easy to use, and clear guidelines on how to implement semantic web/ linked data solutions, possibly supported by standards development organizations (SDOs), whereas the information they can currently find on the Internet is overwhelming and perceived as not directly applicable. As we have often heard from industrial stakeholders in the past years, there is a clear need to bring semantic technology out of the research labs - where it has been successful so far - to be adopted and applied in operational environments by the IoT industry. Semantic Interoperability is a key issue on the Internet of Things, and several organizations develop ontologies to describe IoT devices and the data they exchange. (W3C SSN, W3C WoT, ETSI SmartM2M, ETSI ISG CIM, BAC.net, KNX, BRICK, …). We encourage these organizations to submit papers about their work. The SIS-IoT workshop will be a half-day event with short and full papers, openly peer-reviewed on EasyChair. The event is meant to be highly interactive, so as to facilitate discussions among participants that could result in future collaborative work. A keynote/invited talk will be planned, and followed by authors presenting their paper. We will ensure sufficient time will be dedicated to questions and answers for each paper. The session will end with a general discussion session to discuss experience related to the topics of the workshop. A panel with experts from the research community and industrial stakeholders may be planned. TOPICS ======================================= Relevant topics of interest include the development and use of (ontology) standards for solving semantic interoperability issues along the following lines: - Cross-cutting IoT semantic interoperability approaches reusing standards - Use cases and implementations from pilots, innovation and research projects - Current trends in standardization bodies related to IoT - IoT standardization in vertical sectors (Smart Cities, Industrial Applications, Ageing Well, Smart Agriculture, Smart Energy, Wearables, Smart Appliances, Cooperative and Connected Mobility, etc.) - REST-like and RESTful architectural styles for applications involving constrained devices - Alignment of ontology standards among standardization bodies - Solutions for machine-to-machine semantic interoperability - Open source implementations of standards for semantic interoperability - Interoperability and alignment among standards, ontologies, catalogues, related to sensors, actuators, and the web of things - Semantic standards for Web of Data and Things - Semantic standards for constructing systems of IoT Systems PAPER SUBMISSION ======================================= Papers should be submitted by August 15, 2018. We invite research papers and demonstration papers, either in long (16 pages) or short (8 pages) format. Submissions must be in PDF, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). All proposed papers must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format) using the SSN 2018 conference management system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iot-sisiot2018 See the full set of instructions at https://iot2018wt.github.io/sis-iot/#submission PUBLICATION ======================================= Accepted papers will be published as CEUR workshop proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there. IMPORTANT DATES ======================================= - Papers submission deadline: August 15, 2018 (midnight Hawaii time) - Notification to authors: September 5 at the latest, 2018 - Late registration for IoT 2018 starts: September 7, 2018 - Camera-ready papers: September 20, 2018 - Workshop date: October 15, 2018, morning EVENT CHAIRS ======================================= - Laura Daniele, TNO, NL - Anna Fensel, University of Innsbruck, Austria - Raúl García-Castro, Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain - Maxime Lefrançois, MINES Saint-Étienne, France
Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2018 13:53:43 UTC