W3C LBD CG, Call on Product Data, 26. February 2018

Dear all!

Please find some information within this mail in preparation of the upcoming community group call on 26 February 2018, 16:00-17:00@CET. The call is dedicated to product data modelling in the building industry using linked data technologies. The invitation has been sent by Pieter already.

Call for action:

-          Maxime initiated a document to host USE CASES related to product data. Feel free to push your own use cases there LINK<https://w3c-lbd-cg.github.io/lbd/UseCasesAndRequirements/>

-          You may visualise your use case using the tool created by Mads LINK<https://madsholten.github.io/sparql-visualizer/?tab=1&file=https:%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fw3c-lbd-cg%2Fproduct%2Fdevelop%2Fvis-data.json>

-          It would be great if you could collect COMPETENCY QUESTIONS of your own to be gathered in the call

-          Add discussion items to the designated minutes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KGl28NvLG0w5Q7xKBnR2HiWqB1qMx_cVt_tv4mq-F9M/edit#heading=h.k621biyoh9tu>

Agenda (tentative):

The following bullet points is a tentative list of discussion items for the meeting. Feel free to suggest more.

-          Basic setting and group goals:

o   What is the intention of the group in developing means to exchange product data using linked data technologies?

-          Use cases:

o   Which competency questions can be formulated?

-          Knowledge engineering perspective:

o   What are the ontology patterns needed for product modelling?

o   What methods and tools can be reused (c.f. GenTax Methodology (10.1007/978-3-540-72667-8_11<https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-72667-8_11>), PCS2OWL<http://wiki.goodrelations-vocabulary.org/Tools/PCS2OWL> tool)?

-          Alignment work:

o   How do we align to existing e-commerce ontologies?

o   How do we align to existing product classification schemes (current list: LINK<https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/product/issues/6>)?

o   How do we integrate own ontologies (e.g. BOT)?

o   How to align to existing open standards for BIM (e.g. IFC)?

Collection of documents generated so far:

-          Minutes of informal call on product data modelling on the web LINK<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OzSPy-CxHEpavWsUcTNUqv9NhUVnOZwzy9E4HCiYB6M/edit#heading=h.k621biyoh9tu>

-          LDAC 2017 Report containing discussions and initial competency questions LINK<http://linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2017/files/LDAC2017Report.pdf>

-          Product taxonomy derived from IFC termed PRODUCT (Initial Version<https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/product/tree/newRelease_p4bldg>, Enhanced version<https://github.com/pipauwel/product/blob/master/prod_building_elements.ttl>)

-          Properties derived from IFC property sets termed PROPS LINK<https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/props>

-          A (non-exhaustive) list of existing product classification schemes LINK<https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/product/issues/6>

-          Initial subgroup document LINK<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ArLPgMC4js6i0tGFcYyWHIvlYGNq2Tou-Ed_tPHVo7A/edit#heading=h.v1be4nro7pka>

-          Discussion of Emilio towards aligning GR, BOT and PRODUCT LINK<https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/lbd/blob/gh-pages/presentations/product/20170823_Presentation_ES_LBD.pdf>

Looking forward to the call!



Received on Thursday, 22 February 2018 12:20:28 UTC