LBD WG and CG in parallel?

?Hello all,

For your information, we have asked what the option would be to remain involved in the LBD work for those participants who are not W3C Members? as soon as a Working Group is initiated. Below are the three available options. Option 1 (invited expert) is not really an option in our case, I think. A joint WG might be possible for allowing buildingSMART members to join; but that depends entirely on negotiations between W3C and buildingSMART (so, probably not a short-term option). Option 2 is a very viable option, though, I think. In that case, a parallel community group can 'incubate related topics', which may be: infrastructure and geometry.
Invited experts
This could be used for a couple of individuals who bring concrete expertise to the group when joining W3C is not an option. This would need to remain an exception-to-the-rule though. The Invited Expert status is unlikely going to be granted to an individual who works for a large company.

Several groups are split between a working group that runs the standardization process and a community group that continues to incubate other related topics that could eventually transition to the working group afterward. Anyone can participate in incubation, but participation in the actual standardization process remains in the hands of members.

Joint WG with another organization
This is rarely done, but the Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group is an example of a joint group between OGC and W3C, allowing both OGC and W3C members to participate in the group.

kind regards,

prof. dr. ir.-arch. Pieter Pauwels
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ghent University, Belgium

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2018 22:33:57 UTC