RE: W3C BDW Working Group Teleco @ 11:00 CET Tues 13th December

Dear All,

Hereby some further input on the use case discussion we had during the latest telcon (LC-SC.PDF).
I distinguish 10 typical use case areas for LD/SW (in phases and between phases) related to an asset’s life-cycle.
Potentially we have more explicit use case types ( extra or sub cases) when also considering the supply chain related to the asset’s breakdown (see matrix in sheet 3). For instance going from a global-generic/functional asset description to a detailed-specific/technical description (i.e. bridging ‘levels of detail’ of functional solutions to vendor’s building  products).

This view is part of an bSI Modelling and Linking Guide in development in the bSI TechnicalRoom/LDWG, which current version I include here just for information.

I know the W3C LBD CG is more generic then the bSI LDWG but hopefully we can cross-fertilize a.m.a.p.!

Greetings, Michel

The pdf-layout as generated by Google Docs is sub-optimal …

Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Böhms
Data Scientist

T +31888663107
M +31630381220



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From: Kris McGlinn []
Sent: vrijdag 9 december 2016 19:06
To: Pieter Pauwels <>; Dave Lewis <>; Markus Helfert <>; Ana-Maria Roxin <>; Walter Terkaj <>;;; María Poveda <>;;;;;;; Zohreh Pourzolfaghar <>;;
Subject: W3C BDW Working Group Teleco @ 11:00 CET Tues 13th December

Hi All,
The W3C Linked Building Data Community Group weekly telco meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th, 11AM CET, via the following gotomeeting link:<>

Find also included the minutes from our last session:<>

The agenda:

  1.  outside news and review of overall management
  2.  update of list of participants
  3.  revision of the charter and the outward facing document for industry

     *   Outward facing document can be found here (please edit/add to this) -

  1.  review of use cases and prioritization.

     *   Use case document can be found here (please add to this) -

  1.  progress around the core building topology ontology (BOT)

     *   Redirect permanent identifier for bot to lbd github? (Mads) -

Looking forward to chatting at the next call.

Kind regards,


p.s. if you have received this e-mail twice, please let me know


Kris McGlinn, Ph.D.

Research Fellow,

ADAPT Centre,

F 33, School of Computer Science and Statistics,

Trinity College Dublin

+353 (0)1 896 4992

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 10:48:29 UTC