VoCamp - interoperability for efficient energy systems in smart cities [via Linked Building Data Community Group]

The Ready4SmartCities (R4SC) project is organising another VoCamp. 

When:  Monday 14 September (starting around 14:00) and Tuesday 15 September
(whole day -> 9:00 to 17:00 )
Where: in Dapplonia premises in Genoa.
More information: http://www.ready4smartcities.eu//vocamp_2.
Register via: ready4smartcities@googlegroups.com

The wide umbrella under which the VoCamp will take place is at the cross of the
SmartCity domain and the ICT domain which encompasses also the Building sector,
Software, Hardware and Data issues for the ICT domains, the Grid, the urban
mobility, etc… This VoCamp will concentrate on the alignments of sectorial
ontologies to a specific ontology which is also candidate for standardisation
(The SAREF ontology – Smart Appliance Reference ontology – that is now in
the hands of the ETSI to become THE standard for smart appliances).

Such alignments will be searched/established  within the frame of the
predefined scenarios proposed in the Roadmap established by R4SC and they can be
(or should be) also related to selected use cases already formalised/described
under the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group Activities.

The principle of a VoCamp remain the same. It is an open workshop gathering
experts to discuss towards an  agreement. Therefore it is totally free of
charge and based on a voluntary basis.

Registration is simple as an email sent to address:

Hoping meeting you in Genoa,

The R4SC Team
(More details available on our web site: http://www.ready4smartcities.eu/
and http://www.ready4smartcities.eu//vocamp_2 )


Day one (Afternoon 2pm -> 5:30pm)

 Introduction (90 minutes)

 Welcome & Objectives of the VoCAmp (DAPP/UPM)
 R4SC outcomes - Roadmap  / Linked Data / Methodology (DAPP/UPM)
 SWIMing activities & objectives and link with the W3C working group (Kris)
 Presentation of the selected use cases ( AEC3 from D2.3)

 Presentation of the alignment server (45 minutes) INRIA
 Presentation of SAREF (45 minutes)

 The ETSI initiative (OneM2M) (CSTB)
 The main concepts of the ontology (CERTH)
 Some already available studies / feedback on SAREF (i.e. work done with FANFPAI

Day Two (Morning)

 Parallel sessions  (90 minutes)

 Identification & selection of specific Use Cases among the ones presented the
day before
 Work in smaller groups on the core set of concepts to be aligned with SAREF

 Parallel sessions  (90 minutes)

 Use of the alignment server to find alignments and to suggest “curated

Day Two (Afternoon)

 Presentation of results group by group  (90 minutes)

 Validation / endorsement  of some alignments
 Contribution to the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group (new Use Cases,
enrichment of existing ones, …)
 Feedback to ETSI standard (results, suggestion for improvements, etc.)

 Conclusion & Future work (45 minutes)

 Next VoCamp preparation
 Collaboration with ETSI
 Presentation of the VoCAmp Outcomes to the SP2015


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'VoCamp - interoperability for efficient energy systems in smart cities'


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Received on Friday, 4 September 2015 13:24:34 UTC