ifcOWL ontology file added for IFC4_ADD1 [via Linked Building Data Community Group]

Download IFC4_ADD1.owl

There have been a number of EXPRESS-to-OWL conversion procedures suggested in
the past few years, resulting in diverse 'flavours' of ifcOWL. It seems
nevertheless useful to (also) have one common ifcOWL ontology which can at least
be used as a reference ontology. Walter Terkaj and I have been trying to find
such a common EXPRESS-to-OWL conversion procedure for IFC and corresponding
ifcOWL ontology over the past few months. We tried to check on earlier versions
and build a version that is not too specific (too much restrictions), but also
not too generic (cfr. all strings in class ranges / no domains and ranges).
Above all, we aimed at keeping the ontology in a DL profile, so that one can
appropriately use it for reasoning purposes. I think we succeeded nicely.

The proposed conversion procedure and the resulting ifcOWL ontology are online:
http://www.w3.org/community/lbd/ifcowl/. This is a proposal and request for
comments: it would be good if the ontology and the conversion procedure is
properly evaluated. We would appreciate your feedback in order to evaluate the
ontology and perhaps still modify it!

What to do:
- go find the ontology file at the LinkedBuildingData portal
http://linkedbuildingdata.net/resources/IFC4_ADD1.owl or W3C Community group
page http://www.w3.org/community/lbd/ifcowl/
- go find a description of the conversion procedure at our W3C community page:
- add feedback directly on the W3C community page
http://www.w3.org/community/lbd/ifcowl/ or via the mailing list

Looking forward to hearing your feedback!! Note that
http://www.w3.org/community/lbd/ifcowl/ is a public page, so you can share this
information with whoever might be interested.


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Received on Friday, 12 December 2014 11:17:23 UTC