RML-star specification draft

Dear all,

At https://kg-construct.github.io/rml-star-spec/, we present the current 
draft of RML-star specification.

The document can be enriched with some examples, but we feel that the 
current draft covers all (important) aspects of our work. Your feedback 
would be highly appreciated, and we invite you to communicate those as 
issues at https://github.com/kg-construct/rml-star-spec/issues.

The next iteration of test cases, will depend on the final spec and, in 
turn, on your input. The currently developed test cases are available at 

We would appreciate any comments and feedback!

Best regards, and have a nice weekend,


Ana Iglesias Molina
PhD Student
Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Received on Friday, 18 November 2022 14:21:01 UTC