Re: can we rename the CG?

On Wed, Aug 07, 2024 at 12:18:54PM -0400, Ted Thibodeau Jr wrote:
> I noticed in the draft schedules for TPAC, that this CG is 
> officially named the "JSON for Linking Data CG".
> I would suggest that this be changed to match the "JSON for 
> Linked Data" that came out of the successor/parallel WG, or 
> even better, the "JSON-LD" abbreviation thereof.
> I note that the mailing lists for the two groups are
> and, so this
> rename seems to fit well with current usage.)

Good catch.

I went ahead and had it changed to "Linked", it shows up

(I don't know yet if this will change the TPAC schedule page as a result)

Carine Bournez /// W3C Europe

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2024 17:39:12 UTC