Re: Driving JSON-LD framing specs from SHACL model

This is very helpful thank you. I am particularly impressed by the work of
the WoT Working Group [1], very similar to my problematics, both in terms
of coupling RDF modelling with JSON schemas, and in terms of model
documentation. So far we are providing SHACL-generated documentation, but
it could make sense to provide this JSON-based documentation as well, or as
a complement.

[1] :

Le mar. 11 juin 2024 à 17:52, Pierre-Antoine Champin <>
a écrit :

> Hi Thomas,
> we had two breakout sessions, in September 2023 [1] (during TPAC) and in
> March 2024 [2] (during Breakout day) around this topic. You might find the
> minutes and slides presented there interesting. We might continue the
> discussion during the upcoming TPAC or further events (this is still in
> discussion).
> More comments belo
> [1]
> [2]
> On 07/06/2024 12:31, Thomas Francart wrote:
> Hello SHACL & JSON-LD lovers
> I have SHACL specs. I also have APIs that return JSON-LD. The JSON-LD is
> built from RDF using a manually maintained context + JSON-LD framing specs.
> My question is how I could bridge my SHACL with my JSON-LD context +
> framing, to have a completely model-driven architecture. In other words can
> I generate the context + framing from the SHACL (probably using some extra
> annotations).
> Generating a default context from the SHACL is relatively easy [1]. My
> question is on the framing part, specifically on the hierarchical structure
> of the JSON. How can I indicate in the SHACL model :
>    1. which shapes are the roots of the JSON-LD structure ?
>    2. which properties use embedding in the JSON-LD structure ?
>    ("@embed": "@always") and which should be simply references to URIs ?
> Intuitively, I would use a similar approach to the one you used in your
> SHACL-to-context conversion: a dedicated predicate used to annotate the
> node shapes (for 1) and the property shapes (for 2).
> The ability to specify the (or a) hierarchical view of my graph structure
> could be useful, even for an RDF/XML serialization, or an HTML rendering of
> a dataset.
> +1
> Any ideas or pointers on this ?
> Cheers
> Thomas
> [1] : - a
> simplistic JSON-LD context derivation from a SHACL spec.
> --
> *Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
> Web de *données* | Architecture de l'*information* | Accès aux
> *connaissances*
> blog :, site :, linkedin :
> tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas


*Thomas Francart* -* SPARN**A*
linked *data* | domain *ontologies* | *knowlegde* graphs
blog :, site :, linkedin :
tel :  +33 (0)

Received on Thursday, 13 June 2024 12:28:38 UTC