Re: Combining @id with @vocab / combining @graph with @included / JSON API compatibility

Thank you Pierre-Antoine

Le ven. 20 janv. 2023 à 09:02, Pierre-Antoine Champin <>
a écrit :

> Hi Thomas,
> On 17/01/2023 18:04, Thomas Francart wrote:
> Hello
> Considering the JSON-LD below, which combines @graph, @included and
> @vocab, I have 3 questions :
> 1. No rdf:type triple is produced with as
> subject. I intended the "id" attribute to be found in the context, as I
> marked the "id" key with "@type = @vocab". This works correctly with the
> type key.
> I understand this is because JSON-LD mandates @id to be IRIs or blank node
> identifiers. But why wouldn't it be possible to find the corresponding IRI
> in the @context ?
> I would like to do that so that the key is the same when I refer to
> "entity_1" in the "refers_to" key and when I describe "entity_1" in the
> "included" section.
> I can see why you would want that, but as a general rule, you can not
> override how keywords (@id, @type, @language...) interpret their values.
> Which means that attempting to do that should maybe raise a warning...
> (your "@type": "@vocab" in the definition of "id").
> I believe that this would open a dangerous pandora box (imagine replacing
> "@type": "@vocab" with "@type": "xsd:string" -- what would that mean?).
The goal is to be able to have the same (synctactic) id as an attribute
value in the data part, and as an id in the included part.
The alternative I am considering for this is to use an @base and simply use
relative URIs instead of trying to shorten them.

> 2. When combining @graph with @included, the triples from the @graph are
> put in an anonymous graph instead of the default graph. Triples from
> the @included section are put in the default graph (if I workaround the
> first issue by using an explicit IRI). I find that counter intuitive. The
> spec reads "*When a JSON-LD document's top-level structure is a map that
> contains no other keys than @graph and optionally @context (...), @graph is
> considered to express the otherwise implicit default graph*", but I
> suggest to change it to "*...contains no other keys than @graph and
> @included...*"
> Maybe there is another way to have the data+included structure at the
> top-most level while maintaining a single default graph ?
> easy: alias "graph" to "@included" instead of "@graph" :)

Great ! I hadn't thought about having 2 @included (mapped to 2 different
keys) at the same level.


> 3. This is done in an attempt to mimic the JSON API (
> structure while keeping JSON-LD compatibility. Do you know of other
> attempts to do so, or is there some kind of default "JSONAPI to JSON-LD"
> @context or something similar ?
> I have a vague recollection of somebody mentioning that while the WG was
> working on the 1.1 specifications, but don't remember who that was. Maybe
> Benjamin?
>   pa
> Thanks !
> Thomas
> ```
> {
>   "@context": {
>     "id": {
>       "@id": "@id",
>       "@type":"@vocab"
>     },
>     "type": {
>       "@id": "rdf:type",
>       "@type": "@vocab"
>     },
>     "refers_to": {
>       "@id": "",
>       "@type": "@vocab"
>     },
>     "data": "@graph",
>     "included": "@included",
>     "entity_1": "",
>     "Test" : ""
>   },
>   "data": [
>     {
>       "id": "",
>       "type": "Test",
>       "refers_to": "entity_1"
>     }
>   ],
>   "included" : [
>     {
>       "id": "entity_1",
>       "type": "Test"
>     }
>   ]
> }
> ```
> --
> *Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
> Web de *données* | Architecture de l'*information* | Accès aux
> *connaissances*
> blog :, site :, linkedin :
> tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas


*Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
Web de *données* | Architecture de l'*information* | Accès aux
blog :, site :, linkedin :
tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas

Received on Friday, 20 January 2023 08:54:04 UTC