Re: Question about framing


this should do the job, then

That's worth an FAQ ;)

I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again!

On Tue, 4 Oct 2022 at 23:45, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:

> Check out section 2.1.4 Matching on Values [1].
> You can use a wild-card in a value object and fix @language, like so [1]:
> {
>   "@explicit": true,
>   "@context": {
>     "label_it": {
>       "@id": "skos:prefLabel",
>       "@language": "it"
>     },
>     "label_fr": {
>       "@id": "skos:prefLabel",
>       "@language": "fr"
>     }
>   },
>   "skos:prefLabel": {
>     "@value": {},
>     "@language": "it"
>   }
> }
> Gregg Kellogg
> [1]
> [2]
> On Oct 4, 2022, at 2:05 PM, Roberto Polli <> wrote:
> Hi Gregg,
> thanks for your reply! I didn't know the playground was able to
> communicate the frame: cool.
> The proposed solution shows even further entries that I don't want to
> show, eg. the @lang: en one.
> If this is the correct behavior, IIUC the selection algorithm works at the
> predicate level
> instead of at the triple level (eg. all of the skos:prefLabel is selected,
> and not only the triples matching each possible language)...
> Can you point me to the framing specification algorithm that selects the
> nodes to show?
> Thanks++,
> R.
> On Tue, 4 Oct 2022 at 22:30, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
>> You’re running afoul some frame selection logic, which ends up selecting
>> just selects one of the values. What happens is that the frame gets
>> expanded, and you show two values for the single property “skos:prefLabel”.
>> You probably want to either have an empty frame, or wild-card
>> “skos:prefLabel”.
>> These things are best communicated using links to the playground, such as
>>, which uses the following frame:
>> {
>>   "@context": {
>>     "label_it": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel","@language": "it" },
>>     "label_fr": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel","@language": "fr" }
>>   },
>>   "skos:prefLabel": {}
>> }
>> Gregg Kellogg
>> On Oct 4, 2022, at 10:10 AM, Roberto Polli <> wrote:
>> Dear folks,
>> I am struggling with framing. The result is the same with both pyld and
>> the playground.
>> Given a multi-language JSON-LD I want to pick two skos:prefLabels, like
>> that
>> {
>> "label_it": {"@language": "it", "@value": {}},
>> "label_fr": {"@language": "fr", "@value": {}},
>> "@context": {
>> "label_it": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel","@language": "it" },
>> "label_fr": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel","@language": "fr" },
>> }
>> }
>> Full gist here
>> -
>> but the framing mechanism only shows the last field (e.g. label_fr), eg.
>> { label_fr: France }  # No Italy here!
>> Instead, if I don't filter, like below, the framing mechanism dumps all
>> unmentioned languages in
>> "skos:prefLabel" field, even if "skos:prefLabel" is not mentioned between
>> the "@explicit" fields.
>> {
>> "label_it": {},
>> "label_fr": {},
>> "@context": {
>> "label_it": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel","@language": "it" },
>> "label_fr": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel","@language": "fr" },
>> }
>> }
>> Is there a standard way to tell "framing" to strip off specific/unwanted
>> fields like "skos:prefLabel"?
>> Thanks ++,
>> R.

Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2022 22:02:55 UTC