Re: The new charter is now in place

> On Aug 20, 2020, at 12:10 PM, Leonard Rosenthol <> wrote:
>> We'd be opposed to a solution that doesn't greatly reduce the size of the initial JSON-LD document, however, as if we don't do that, many of     the compelling reasons to use CBOR disappear
> Provided that it isn't context-specific - I agree!!
> But as you note - perhaps it is simply the existence of "conformance levels" or "profiles", where some are targeted to specific contexts (and pre-built dictionaries)...

Perhaps we can describe mechanism for creating versioned/cached/optimized contexts, with a default managed by the group, along with a way to validate and update context versions. It should allow others to create their own context set, and how to achieve and measure the resulting compaction.


> Leonard
> On 8/20/20, 1:52 PM, "Manu Sporny" < <>> wrote:
>    On 8/20/20 1:30 PM, Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
>> While I would like to see the group come up with an official CBOR-LD
>> spec, I think it’s focus should be closer to what we already have [1].
>> It should mostly concern itself with transforming between CBOR and our
>> Internal representation [2]. It should also likely deal with intermixing
>> CBOR-LD and JSON-LD resources, so that a JSON-LD context might be used
>> in a CBOR-LD document and visa-versa.
>    Note that the CBOR-LD proposal already incorporates this desire
>    (although, not very well documented). That is called "uncompressed
>    CBOR-LD", which is basically just a direct mapping of the JSON-LD
>    document to CBOR and back.
>    We covered this during the presentation on slide 6 -- CBOR-LD (raw):
>;;sdata=SKSaIzeFLlA42zvilvvBCxU2zAf3RJNhUfXCDtUzUu4%3D&amp;reserved=0 <;;sdata=SKSaIzeFLlA42zvilvvBCxU2zAf3RJNhUfXCDtUzUu4%3D&amp;reserved=0>
>    and slide 10 (CBOR-LD (no compression). We could easily use
>;;sdata=l104fdVovreoNJP%2F%2FycAq2YedIxAM%2BcvysOotahCjRw%3D&amp;reserved=0 <;;sdata=l104fdVovreoNJP%2F%2FycAq2YedIxAM%2BcvysOotahCjRw%3D&amp;reserved=0> for that purpose. That
>    said, there are a number of things that the given algorithm does that
>    are concerning (like, translating some types to CBOR native while not
>    touching other types).
>    So, feels like we can merge the specs for the most part, no problem.
>    We'd be opposed to a solution that doesn't greatly reduce the size of
>    the initial JSON-LD document, however, as if we don't do that, many of
>    the compelling reasons to use CBOR disappear.
>    -- manu
>    -- 
>    Manu Sporny -;;sdata=zbPzmZqsYaQhz1Ub6cx%2F0EQlWjz%2Fe6btDrdL8eKSR7I%3D&amp;reserved=0 <;;sdata=zbPzmZqsYaQhz1Ub6cx%2F0EQlWjz%2Fe6btDrdL8eKSR7I%3D&amp;reserved=0>
>    Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>    blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches
>;;sdata=PX4AuOzo6I3Wz9j7uUcqQgRP6cwdmy160lrstc%2BFFZs%3D&amp;reserved=0 <;;sdata=PX4AuOzo6I3Wz9j7uUcqQgRP6cwdmy160lrstc%2BFFZs%3D&amp;reserved=0>

Received on Thursday, 20 August 2020 20:58:21 UTC