[agenda] JSON-LD Teleconference 2018-07-13

Happy Friday 13th all!

Our next call is tomorrow, Friday July 13th, at 12 noon Easter, 9am
Pacific, 5pm UK, 6pm Europe.

The details for joining the call are available here:
The IRC channel is W3C server's #json-ld.


* Scribe Selection
* Approve minutes of previous call
* Announcements / Reminders?
* Introductions if needed
* Continue discussion of guiding principles
  -- https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/pull/6
* Discuss additional process
  -- How to capture use cases without getting bogged down?
  -- When to bring issues from github to the call?
* AOB?

Next week we should be in a position to move forwards into actual issues :)

Rob Sanderson
Semantic Architect
The Getty Trust
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Received on Thursday, 12 July 2018 18:53:06 UTC