Re: Ambiguity (what else!?) question

On Mon, 2025-01-27 at 23:56 -0500, David Birnbaum wrote:
> Your observation that the task might be better suited to regex,
> whether with a sed pre-processing step, as you suggest, or within
> XSLT, helps me think more generally about which tasks are well-suited
> to ixml and which might be handled more effectively in other ways.

In principle at least there is, or should be, also the possibility of
using ixml from within XSLT, applying it as a function directly. In
this case you can write a template - maybe with a predicate pattern -
to match putative titles.

I’m contemplating a similar course exercise (although we won’t use ixml
in an XSLT 3 course, i’ll mention it) for the upcoming course, matching
paragraphs in a minimally-marked-up TEI document to turn them into
headings, replacing a somewhat unsuccessful exercise i had before that
replaced acronyms with expansions.


Liam Quin,
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
Barefoot Web-slave, antique illustrations:

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 05:07:37 UTC