Re: To the owner of the industry_codes grammar

Hi Steven,

Steven Pemberton <> writes:
> To the owner of the industry_codes grammar:
> 	label: (word+, " "?)+.
> should be 	label: word++" ".
> otherwise it is very ambiguous, since a word is any string of letters.

I've noticed a couple of times now that you've posted details of a grammar submitted to ixampl on the public iXML list.

As far as I can see, the ixampl website has no warning that inputs are logged for your review, or that parts of them may then be publicly shared. Absent any warning of this sort, I expect many users would have a greater expectation of privacy and might be surprised, or even distressed, to find that what they submit is later subjected to public scrutiny. In the wake of GDPR, users do tend to expect EU-based online resources to have fairly robust approaches to privacy.

I would definitely suggest that you add some text to the website, so that users are aware that their inputs are monitored and are not treated as private. It can imagine it might unpleasant if a user were to take exception to having their grammar critiqued in public!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Friday, 21 February 2025 14:51:59 UTC