iXML Agenda, 18 February 2025

Hello folks,

Here’s the proposed agenda for tomorrow’s meeting:

Meeting: Invisible XML Community Group
Chair: Steven
Scribe: Steven, or in his absence Norm


Topic: Accept the minutes of the previous meeting

Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2025/02/04-ixml-minutes.html

Topic: Review of open actions

2023-01-10-f: NTW to produce draft documentation of the XML vocabulary, issue #137

2024-03-05-c: SP to prepare pull request to resolve issue #139 (new grammars, new README)

2024-10-01-f: SP to make a PR for both versions of the RFC grammar

2024-10-01-e: SP to review ixml tests and correct the grammar

Topic: Status reports

Topic: New open issues

No new issues.

Topic: Use pragmas for the prolog?

Requirements document:


At the previous meetings, we had consensus for items 1-8. The remaining items
are in Attachment:

Item 9: Pragmas must be able to annotate an iXML grammar as a whole, individual
          rules in a grammar, and nonterminals.

Item 10: Pragmas should also be able to annotate any grammar constructs for
           which robust use cases can be put forward, bearing in mind the
           importance of balancing succinctness, expressive power, and
           readability of grammars.

and Pragma Structure:

Item 11: A pragma must minimally be composed of a pragma name (a string by
           which the processor can recognize the pragma).

Item 12: A pragma must also permit optional pragma data (a string which can be
           provided as an input to the code block which the processor will
           attempt to execute in response to recognizing the pragma name).

Item 13: The legal form of a pragma name must be defined in the specification.

Item 14: The structure of the optional pragma data following the pragma name
           must not be defined in the specification.

Item 15: There must be a mechanism by which implementers can ensure that a
           chosen pragma name will not conflict with any pragma name used in
           other implementations.

See also:
  https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/265: Use pragmas for the prolog?
  https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/254: Extend the prolog to support arbitrary metadata
  https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/235: Problems with the prolog
  https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/234: Alternate syntaxes for the prolog

Topic: A subtraction operator

See https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/249

Topic: Next meeting

Normal date and time for ixml meetings is every other Tuesday at 3 pm British
Time, 4 pm Central European Time (14:00 UTC during summer time, 15:00 UTC during
winter time).

On the usual schedule, the next meeting would be Tuesday, 4 March, at 15:00 UTC
for one hour.

Topic: Any other business

For the record: the current state of the minute-taking rota is:

+ Steven Pemberton, 2025-01-07
+ Norm Tovey-Walsh, 2025-01-21
+ John Lumley, 2025-02-04

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Monday, 17 February 2025 11:22:17 UTC