Invisible XML draft meeting agenda, 2024-12-10

The following is the proposed agenda for the Invisible XML meeting on 10 December 2024. (It is formatted so that it should be easy for the scribe to paste parts of it into the W3C RRSAgent bot.)

Meeting: Invisible XML Community Group
Date: 10 December 2024
Chair: Steven
Scribe: John, or in his absence Steven

Previous meeting:


Topic: Review of open actions

2023-01-10-f: NTW to produce draft documentation of the XML vocabulary, issue #137

2024-03-05-c: SP to prepare pull request to resolve issue #139 (new grammars, new README)

2024-10-01-f: SP to make a PR for both versions of the RFC grammar

2024-10-01-e: SP to review ixml tests and correct the grammar

2024-11-26-01: Steven to review the Balisage paper about pragmas

2024-11-26-02: Steven to add the new papers as bibliography material.

2024-11-26-03: Norm to make sure there's a section on the website for a
bibliography of related papers and papers that report using iXML.

Topic: Status reports

Topic: New open issues

#286: Resolve ambiguity in JSON test grammar?
#283: Version numbering conventiosn

Topic: Use pragmas for the prolog?

See also: Use pragmas for the prolog? Extend the prolog to support arbitrary metadata Problems with the prolog Alternate syntaxes for the prolog

Topic: A subtraction operator


Topic: Next meeting

Normal date and time for ixml meetings is every other Tuesday at 3 pm
British Time, 4 pm Central European Time (14:00 UTC during summer
time, 15:00 UTC during winter time).

On the usual schedule, the next meeting would be Tuesday, 24 December,
at 15:00 UTC for one hour.

For the record: the current state of the minute-taking rota is:

+ John Lumley, 2024-10-29
+ Steven Pemberton, 2024-11-12
+ Norm Tovey-Walsh, 2024-11-26

Topic: Any other business

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Monday, 9 December 2024 10:16:33 UTC