Re: Proposal to change definition of 'name' (forbid final .)

> This is to propose a simple fix:  continue to allow . to occur in names,
> but forbid it to appear at the end of a name.  Since no one on the call
> remembered ever seeing an XML name with a final full stop outside of a
> test suite, this did not seem likely to be a painful restriction.

I'm all for the change.

> or alternatively:
>             @name: namestart, (namefollower ** '.').
>        -namestart: ["_"; L].
>     -namefollower: namestart; ["-·‿⁀"; Nd; Mn].

this one since it is more idiomatic ixml, though without the ( ).


Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2023 13:21:18 UTC