Re: ACTION 2023-02-07-a: Steven to make Pull Request for Unicode test

On Tuesday 13 June 2023 14:41:06 (+02:00), Norm Tovey-Walsh wrote:

> >> ACTION 2023-02-07-a: Steven to make Pull Request for Unicode test
> >
> > Pseudo-done: I did a pull request, and lots happened, and there was
> > lots of inscrutable output, but no indication of whether it had been
> > successful or not, and ending with a suggestion to read a 7000 line
> > help file about Pull, which I didn't do (well I tried, but it too was
> > mostly inscrutable).
> Where is this pull request?

You tell me! I did one, and as I said got lots of text output, none of which said there was anything wrong, none of which said it had been successful, so I'm none the wiser.

> > I looked on github, and concluded it hadn't succeeded, so instead I
> > uploaded it there
> >
> >
> > unicode-classes.*
> Right. You seem to have directly pushed two new files to the master
> branch.

I decided that that was the only way I was going to succeed in a short amount of time.

> > Honestly, every time I use git, I hate it more.
> It’s a sharp tool, but a very useful one.

Apparently. Doesn't work for me, and sincerely, has some of the worst documentation I have ever seen...


Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2023 13:19:45 UTC