The NineML family of tools, version 2.1.0


Inspired by both an outstanding bug[1] and a suggestion from Michael[2],
I’ve implemented a mechanism (or three) for allowing the user to control
which alternative is selected when an ambiguous parse is performed.

(This is support for choosing an alternative at runtime, not a way to
annotate the grammar. In principle, there’s already a mechanism for
annotating the grammar with priorities, but I’m not sure that ever got
documented. Oops.)

I hope the documentation in CoffeeSacks[3] for how to use an extension
function to choose an alternative from XSLT and the documentation in
CoffeePot[4] for how to either load such an extension function or just
use XPath expressions is clear enough. You know where to file bugs if
it’s not!

                                        Be seeing you,


Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Sunday, 23 April 2023 16:43:57 UTC