Fwd: W3C TPAC 2023 - Community Group meetings

----- Forwarded message -----
 From: Alexandra Lacourba <alex@w3.org>
To: 'tp' <w3t-tpregister@w3.org>
Subject: W3C TPAC 2023 - Community Group meetings
Date: Friday 07 April 2023 18:32:41 (+02:00)

Dear Community Group chairs,

TPAC 2023 [1] will be held from 11 to 15 September 2023, with a main 
in-person hub at Melia Sevilla Hotel, in Sevilla, Spain.

As last year, we are adapting our format to a hybrid mode and planning to 
build a dynamic meeting.

Here is the projected schedule (still to be confirmed):

The schedule of the week should be as follows:

Monday 11 September: Group meetings
Tuesday 12 September:
Group meetings all day
AC plenary sessions in the afternoon
Wednesday 13 September: Breakout sessions
Thursday 14 September: Group meetings
Friday 15 September: Group meetings

In order to build a dynamic meeting to bring more cross participation and 
interactions, we will work this year with set slots. Each group will be 
able to ask for 90 minute and/or 2-hour slots. If the health situation 
permits, all groups will break at the same time. The Melia Sevilla hotel 
has several outside areas, big enough to accommodate all our participants 
at the same time.

We need to know if your Community Group(s) would like to meet during TPAC 
2023. Also, one of our goals is to better schedule the joint meetings so 
that they clearly appear on the calendar of the week.

We ask you to discuss within your group(s) and let us know via the form 
below by 8 May at the latest:


We thank you in advance for your input to plan a successful hybrid event!

Alexandra Lacourba
W3C Global Events Coordinator

[1] https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/Overview.html

Received on Saturday, 8 April 2023 10:34:27 UTC