start time for Tuesday's call - on the hour vs on the half

The agenda I sent out earlier today says without qualification that the
meeting should start on the hour, rather than on the half-hour.

I believe that most members of the CG have agreed on this, but it occurs
to me now that we have not in fact made a formal decision to that

So I propose that those who can make it on the hour, at 14:00 UTC, do
so.  If we have critical mass and if Steven is among that group, we can
start the meeting.

Otherwise, I propose that we all take a break and come back at half
past.  (The point of this note is to make this suggestion, because if
the suggestion is necessary, then I won't be able to make it tomorrow at
the appropriate time.)

Some of us will need to leave the call at 15:00 UTC, regardless.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2022 01:52:52 UTC