- From: Steven Pemberton <steven.pemberton@cwi.nl>
- Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 20:45:41 +0000
- To: ixml <public-ixml@w3.org>
I did a little more work on it. THE IXML html: head, body. head: title. title: +"Markdown". body: section++(-#a+). -section: (h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; p; blockquote; ol; ul; pre; hr). h1: -"# " , text, -#a. h2: -"## ", text, -#a. h3: -"### ", text, -#a. h4: -"#### ", text, -#a. h5: -"##### ", text, -#a. h6: -"###### ", text, -#a. -text: c+. -c: ~["<*_`"; #a]; embedded-html; strong; em; code. strong: -"**", cstrong1+ , -"**"; -"__", cstrong2+ , -"__". em: -"*", ~["*"], cstrong1+, ~["*"], -"*". code: -"`", ccode+, -"`". -cstrong1: ~["*"; #a]. -cstrong2: ~["_"; #a]. -ccode: ~["`"; #a]. -embedded-html: "<", tag, ">", c+, "</", id, ">"; "<", tag, "/>". -tag: id, (s, attr)*, s?. -id: [L]+. -attr: id, "=", value. -value: '"', ~['"']*, '"'; "'", ~['"']*, "'". -s: " "+. p: (nonstarter, c+)++br, -#a. br: -#a. -nonstarter: ~["#>-*`+"; Nd; #a]. blockquote: ">", c+. ol: (oli, -#a)+. -oli: d+, -'. ', li. li: c+. -d: -[Nd]. ul: (uli, -#a)+. -uli: -["*-+"], -" ", li. hr: -"-"+, -#a. pre: "$" . {to do }# THE INPUT # A Test This a <b class="red">paragraph</b>. Which extends over lines. --- ## Header 2 Another para <hr/>. A **strong** word. Another __strong__ word. An *italic* word. Some `text is in code`. 1. A list 2. More 3. Yet more * An unordered list * And more * Yet more The end THE RESULT <html> <head> <title>Markdown</title> </head> <body> <h1>A Test</h1> <p>This a <b class="red">paragraph</b>. <br/>Which extends over lines.</p> <hr/> <h2>Header 2</h2> <p>Another para <hr/>.</p> <p>A <strong>strong</strong> word.</p> <p>Another <strong>strong</strong> word.</p> <p>An <em>italic</em> word. Some <code>text is in code</code>.</p> <ol> <li>A list</li> <li>More</li> <li>Yet more</li> </ol> <ul> <li>An unordered list</li> <li>And more</li> <li>Yet more</li> </ul> <p>The end</p> </body> </html>
Received on Sunday, 23 October 2022 20:45:58 UTC