draft agenda for ixml call Tuesday 31 May 2022

ixml meeting 31 May 2022

When:  Tuesday 31 May 2022 14:30 UTC for 1 hour

Where: Location: https://meet.google.com/dfz-rwpj-opq 
Minute taker: MSM, or he being absent JL.

IRC: the meetings will be minuted on IRC at [1].  Details of W3C IRC
use are at [2] and [3], hints for using RRSAgent at [4] and [5].

[1] irc://irc.w3.org:6667/%23ixml
[2] https://www.w3.org/wiki/InternetRelayChat
[3] https://www.w3.org/wiki/IRC
[4] https://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent
[5] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Previous minutes:

Topic: Review of agenda

    0 Identify minute-taker
    1 Review of action items
    2 Status reports
      Status of implementations
      Status of testing and test suites
    3 Review and resolution of issues
      See below.
    4 Other topics
      Release plan
    5 Next meeting (and next scribe)
    6 Any other business

Topic: Previous Actions

ACTION 2022-05-17: Steven to contact Prague to request slot for

ACTION 2022-05-24: Steven to rewrite the prolog syntax to support
<prolog> containing <version>

ACTION 2022-05-24: Steven to rewrite prolog to require processors to
signal that they did not recognize the version specified in the
version declaration.

ACTION 2022-05-24: Steven to change insertions into a new kind of
literal instead of literals with a special mark.

ACTION 2022-05-24: Steven to try to reach Jirka directly re: Prague.

ACTION 2022-05-24: Norm add new conformance errors for well-fomed

Topic:  Status reports

Topic:  Status of implementations

Topic:  Status of testing and test suites

Topic:  Review and resolution of bug reports and technical issues

For all active issues, see

** Open issues (spec)

Topic: issue #89 what are the conformance requirements for XML

* Issues with minor points / editorial problems:

Topic: issue #26 Implementations may vary in identifying ambiguity
(remaining editorial issue).

* Issues which may have been resolved:

Topic: issue #63 Optional version declaration.

Topic: issue #80 Clarify that attributes names xmlns are forbidden.

Topic: issue #83 tmark on charsets (forbid ^ or +? change grammar?)

Topic: pull request #84 version declaration

** Open issues (other) and pending pull requests

Topic: issue #90 flaws in ixml schemas

Topic: pull request #91 additional tests

Topic: pull request #56 (close as overtaken?)

Topic: issue #94 integrating error codes into tests

Topic: Other topics

Topic:  Release plan (Prague, Balisage, ...)

Topic: Terminology

Topic: Website

Topic: Next meeting

Normal date for ixml meetings is every Tuesday at 14:30 UTC

On the usual schedule, the next meeting would be Tuesday 7 June, at
14:30 UTC for one hour.


Expected scribe next week:  volunteers sought.

For the record: the current state of the minute-taking rota is:

  M Sperberg-McQueen 2022-03-29
  John Lumley        2022-04-12
  Tomos Hillman      2022-05-10
  Steven Pemberton   2022-05-17
  Norm Tovey-Walsh   2022-05-24

Topic: Any other business 

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2022 02:21:51 UTC