Re: (My) system view

Two thirds of it make sense to me, but why does the diagram
have three processor circles?

Unless … oh, okay, I think the fact that you label one of the
input/output clusters as ‘Bootstrap’ explains.  

Nice diagrams.

> On 11,Jan2022, at 1:23 PM, Steven Pemberton <> wrote:
> Here's the diagram I use to illustrate the process involved (if two boxes contain the same name, they represent the same document):
> <diagram.png>
> Best wishes,
> Steven
> On Tuesday 11 January 2022 17:58:20 (+01:00), Dave Pawson wrote:
> > Attached, .svg, my system view.
> > iXML grammar is my ideas, realised via xml or txt
> > 
> > If incorrect, please amend?
> > 
> > regards
> >

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2022 21:23:31 UTC