Re: Announce: Earleybird v0.1.0

Correction. That XML should be
<ixml><rule name="doc"><alt><literal string="A"></literal><literal 

Unless I've got something else wrong. Fixed in v0.1.1.



On 2022-08-22 23:12, M Joel Dubinko wrote:
> First light: parsing ixml with ixml. [1]
> Anyway, the test case of note is:
> doc = "A", "B".
> Which is producing (in a pseudo-canonical-XML format for testing)
> <ixml><rule><name>doc</name><alt><literal
> string="A"></literal><literal
> string="B"></literal></alt></rule></ixml>
> My overall approach is to provide an ergonomic Builder API to
> construct grammars in code. Specifically for ixml itself.
> The result of parsing an ixml grammar results in a more Rust-ish
> internal representation that will be straightforward to walk through,
> producing a subsidiary grammar, which can be used to do useful things
> in the form of a CLI tool.
> I haven't been super impressed so far with the selection of XML
> libraries in Rust, but one way or another, it's a short distance from
> here to wiring up the official test suite.
> j
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2022 16:22:11 UTC