agenda, ixml community group meeting 12 October 2021, 14:00 UTC (? or so I think)

ixml meeting 12 October 2021

When:  Tuesday 12 October 2021 14:00 UTC for 1 hour

Note:  I believe we meet at 14:00 UTC, but since we had some confusion
about this last month, for the moment everyone should take what I say
with a grain of salt.

Where: Location: 
Minute taker: ?

IRC: the meetings will be minuted on IRC at irc://
Details of W3C IRC use are at [1] and [2].

Previous minutes:

1 Previous Actions

ACTION (2021-08-001): Michael SMq to control the agenda sending.

ACTION (2021-08-002):  Steven to upload new version of spec

ACTION (2021-08-003):  Steven to add references to parsing algorithms to spec

ACTION (2021-08-004):  Steven to create list of existing requirements, so that we can identify when a new one comes

ACTION (2021-08-005): Tom and MSM to come with a pragma proposal

2 Status of implementations

3 Bug reports / change requests

For all active issues, see

3.1 Spec mismatch ( 

Mismatch between [3] and [4].

Is this resolved by action 2021-08-002?

3.2 Comments in attributes ( 

Should this be closed?

3.3 Media type conventions for ixml grammars ( 

Should the 1.0 spec include the rules suggested in Steven's 2013 talk describing conventions for media types for ixml grammars and pointers to them (or similar rules)?

3.4 Quick review of recently closed issues Hyperlink to XML representation of ixml grammar

4 Website

Issues, suggestions, discussion ...

5 Testing and Test Suite

5.1 Status reports

Is anyone developing test cases?

6 Technical topics
6.1 Requirements

Discussion will await discharge of action 2021-08-004 (Steven to make list of requirements).

6.2 Syntactic and functional extensions

     Topic: pragmas - a proposal (pragmas)

     Topic: Design question or puzzle? (namespace decls, locality)

Further discussion should await discharge of action 2021-08-005

7 Next meeting

Normal date for ixml meetings is the second Tuesday of each month at 14:00 UTC

On this pattern, the November meeting will be Tuesday 9th November. 14:00 UTC for one hour.
Or do we want to shift to 15:00 UTC as the Northern Hemisphere shifts to winter time?

Received on Monday, 11 October 2021 23:31:46 UTC