Re: Error states in the spec

Perhaps the errors could be added to as test cases uncover them Norm?
  How to define  a way of collating them?


On Wed, 10 Nov 2021 at 18:53, Norm Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Persuant to my action, I’ve re-read the ixml specification with an eye
> towards identifying error states. It’s a little harder to identify them
> than I expected. The spec (quite reasonably) states conditions that must
> be true, but doesn’t always describe how they might not be true.
> For example, an opening quote mark that doesn’t have a matching closing
> quote mark is obviously an “unterminated string” error. But the spec
> doesn’t actually say that, I don’t think.
> I expect that a little implementation experience will bring more kinds
> of errors to light. In the meantime, there are some in the
> specification:
> 1. An encoded character that is outside of the Unicode code-point range
> 2. An encoded character that is a noncharacter or surrogate code point
> 3. Names that must be serialized but are not XML names
> 4. Non-conforming grammars must be rejected
> 5. There must be exactly one rule for every non-terminal
> 6. Terminal symbols must not be marked as attributes
> 7. In a character class, the class must be defined in Unicode
> 8. Unterminated strings
> 9. Other syntax errors in the grammar
> 10. It is possible for an implementation to run out of memory or
>     otherwise be unable to complete a parse
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> --
> Norm Tovey-Walsh
> Saxonica
Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2021 19:03:11 UTC