browsable versions of test-catalogs

Thanks to Tomos’s hand-holding, I have now got most, and perhaps all, of the 
test catalogs in my ixml-tests repository to display nicely on the web:  go to

and if you follow the links from there, you will be able to browse the
sample collections of texts I have put there.

The basic idea is that a test catalog either contains or points to tests, expected
test results, and subordinate collections of tests with their own catalogs.  (Also,
since these catalogs are in XML, it’s possible to use XSLT to make them display
nicely in the browser.)  Also, there is some relatively simple metadata.

Some of the externally stored raw or modified parse trees appear to be 
garbage; this may be due to errors when I was copying things over from another
repo to this one, or may be due to errors in the process that generated the test 
catalogs.  I don’t think those errors should stand in the way of anyone who
wants to look at these test catalogs.

What I’d like to propose is that anyone who has the energy to do so should
work out a structure for test suites, ideally independently of this work, so we
can compare and contrast and develop a consensus notation.

If anyone wants to try out this structure on a new collection of tests, there is a 
schema in the lib directory.


C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2021 18:28:00 UTC