Re: call for agenda items

Thanks, all. We have a 90-minute session, so we'll have to see how much
time we can devote to each topic. Chris and I will send a proposed
agenda to this list in the next ~24 hours.

On 10/22/12 6:25 PM, Dave Thaler wrote:
> I could give a brief report on the bulk third-party URI scheme registrations that Alexey
> and I did, how well that worked, and what we might do next.
> -Dave
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Larry Masinter []
>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 5:38 PM
>> To: Peter Saint-Andre;
>> Cc: Jeni Tennison (
>> Subject: RE: call for agenda items
>> Two more possible topics for IRI WG meeting in Atlanta:
>> * briefly about registerProtocolHandler in HTML5 and its implication for
>> scheme registration
>> * about fragment identifiers and I18N (not discussed but alluded to in "Best
>> Practices for Fragment Identifiers and Media Type Definitions"
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Larry Masinter []
>>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 5:01 PM
>>> To: Peter Saint-Andre;
>>> Subject: RE: call for agenda items
>>> Some suggested agenda items:
>>> * Testing: I'd like some time to talk about testing and test results,
>>> and what additional testing is needed.
>>> (feel free to update or send
>>> corrections to me)
>>> * Martin and I should review the updates to the documents updates this
>>> time around, at least briefly.
>>> * We should also talk about plans for convergence with
>>> (based on testing)
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Peter Saint-Andre []
>>>> Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 7:08 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: call for agenda items
> There's been quite a bit of IRI-related activity of late. If you
> have definite ideas about a topic or document you would like to
> discuss during the IRI WG session at IETF 85 (preferably focused on
> the kind of open issues that require WG interaction to move
> forward), please post to this list in the next few days so that
> Chris Weber and I can generate a draft agenda.
> Thanks!
> Peter

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 13:25:44 UTC