Re: How browsers display URIs with %-encoding (Opera/Firefox FAIL)

Hello Leif,

Can you explain what you mean by "semantic display"? Or much better, 
rewrite your explanations without using that term?

Regards,    Martin.

On 2011/07/22 9:57, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
> Leif Halvard Silli, Thu, 21 Jul 2011 21:05:16 +0200:
>> For testing of page internal (that is #fragment links), you could
>> create an ISO-8859-1 encoded page which contains links to directly
>> typed fragments whose first letter begins with a non-ASCII letter from
>> the ISO-8859-1 charset. And then you can test how that same page works
>> if served/interpreted as another legacy, 8-bit encoding, such s KOI8-R
>> etc. This test should compare wheter, for instance, in a ISO-8859-1
>> page,  href="#Dürst" would hit both id="Dürst" and id="Dürst".
> Made some unpolished tests (with far to many links inside ...), based
> on some old tests I had laying around:
> Results:
> # With regard to hover display and display on the URL bar, then those
> tests show, for fragment URIs:
> * that directly typed characters in a URL get semantic display
>    in all the browsers tested (Firefox, Opera, Chrome/Safari/iCab, IE8)
> * that UTF-8 based percentage encoded URLs are given semantic display
>    # in Firefox, Safari/iCab and Opera
>    # but not in IE8 or Chrome.
> * that not-UTF-8 based percent encoded URLs get semantic display
>    # in Firefox
>    # not in any other browser. Caveat Operea. See note.
> NOTE: For legacy encoded pages, then Opera makes a difference between
> href="#D%FCrst" and href="D%FCrst": the fragment variant does not get
> "semantic display" in Opera whereas the non-fragment URL does.
>        But there is a catch to what Opera (and Firefox too) do  for
> externally linking URLs: in the Windows-1251 encoded test page, the
> '%FC' is turned into the cyrillic soft-sign letter.
> # With regard to whether the URL works when activated, then those tests
> show, for fragment URLs:
> * that directly typed letters always works
> * that UTF-8 based, percent encoded URLs
>    # never work, regardless of page encoding, for Opera and IE8
>    # should work always, for Firefox and Safari/iCab/Chrome
>      regardless of character or page encoding.
> * that not-UTF-8 based percent encoded URLs are interpreted
>    "semantically"
>    # for in IE8: never and not in any encoding
>    # for Firefox, Safari and iCab: with non-UTF-8 encodings only
>    # for Chrome and Opera: in any encoding, but seemingly only as long
>      as the character belongs to the Latin-1 character set.

Received on Monday, 25 July 2011 10:39:28 UTC