Report on moving issues to the new tracker

This is a short report about my work of moving the remaining issues at to the WG tracker at

Issues just moved (with some changes in wording): #identity-101, 
#transcodeNFC-103, #IRI-and-forms-107, #combining-start-109, 
#ZWNJ-ZWJ-111, #bidi-number-112, #private-include-tags-115, and 

Issues changed: #bidi-combining-108 (expanded from trailing combining 
characters to other bidi changes from IDNAbis)

Issues closed: #IRIs-with-spaces-105 (this has been addressed by the 
work on LEIRIs), #track-IDN-revision-110 (the revision is done, it 
doesn't have to be tracked anymore; for the rest, this should roughly be 
covered by issues #16, #25, and #26).

As always, if there's something unclear or something you disagree with, 
please send mail.

Regards,    Martin.

#-# Martin J. Dürst, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Thursday, 16 September 2010 10:18:06 UTC