Scope question

The charter for this group says that we're to produce a document that
explains the syntax, parsing, comparison of IRIs.  It also says that
the documents we produce should be suitable for normative reference
with Web and XML standards from W3C specifications.

Currently I'm in the midst of comparing the URL processing behavior of
Safari and Chrome and coming up with a common behavior for these two
browsers.  In the course of this work, I'm going to have make some
exciting decisions like whether the URL processing pipeline should
covert schemes to lower case or whether the a # character in a
fragment should be represented using the # character or using the
characters %23.

Would a document describing these decisions be of interset to this
working group?  If so, how would that document relate to RFC 3986 and
RFC 3987?  Would the working group be interested in such a document in
an informative or a normative voice?

Kind regards,

Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2010 02:30:41 UTC