Re: BIDI IRI Display (was spoofing and IRIs)


Yes, indeed, in Maghreb countries we are bilingual. But mixing RTL with 
LTR is much more in speaking than in writing. Of course, there are 
documents (like invoices, administrative forms... [0]) which are 
bilingual, but in general in separate lines or columns. (As in the 
passport's identity pages).
In news papers, not too much mixing, excepted cases like term or names 
in Latin characters, or a commercial frame with slogan in Arabic with 
same isolated texts in Latin. Mostly graphics.

Same on the Web. Many sites exist in two or three languages: Ar / Fr / 
En. [1]

But really mixing LTR and RTL, with signs and punctuations is not usual. 
Web pages as the ones you have here [2] aren't too much.

I would agree with what Jonathan Rosenne said "In my way of thinking, 
and average BIDI user does not normally mix LTR and RTL, programmers 

But I can look further for more precise informations.

نجيب التونسي
Najib Tounsi


Slim Amamou wrote:
> This is not true. Here in Tunisia the most common setting is a french 
> locale. And people are Arabic/French bilingual. So mixinig LTR with 
> RTL is normal here. And I'm almost sure it's the same for Algeria and 
> Morocco.
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Jonathan Rosenne < 
> <>> wrote:
>     (...)
>     In my way of thinking, and average BIDI user does not normally mix
>     LTR and
>     RTL, programmers excepted.
> -- 
> Slim Amamou | سليم عمامو

Najib TOUNSI (tounsi at
W3C Office in Morocco (
Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, BP. 765 Agdal-RABAT Morocco
Phone : +212 (0) 537 68 71 50  Fax : +212 (0) 537 77 88 53
Mobile: +212 (0) 661 22 00 30 

Received on Thursday, 4 March 2010 13:14:06 UTC