Re: Character-by-Character Distinct IRI-> Char-by-char equivalent URI (issue #IRIURIcharequiv-20)

> For example (1) and HTTP:// (2).
> The URI spec says that these are equivalent, but they identify
> two different namespaces, and they identify two different nodes
> in an RDF graph.

No they don't.  The result of processing them with namespaces may
be disjunct name sets, and the result of processing them with
RDF may be bifurcated graphs, but what they identify is the same
regardless of the processing rules of any technology other than
the URI scheme's name assignment algorithm.  Any other technology
is implicitly licensed to join those sets or those graphs if they
wish to spend the effort to do so -- RDF and xmlns specifications
merely define the processing rules for minimal conformance, not
equivalence of resources.


Received on Thursday, 25 March 2004 17:27:16 UTC