Re: Abuse of dominance?

On 4/3/23 09:02, Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) wrote:
> Thanks,
> Interesting concerns, though we would have to find tech-related links to 
> that, which is doable but not obvious.

If you consider "tech" as something unrelated to the rest of the world, 
I guess it's even undoable. But if "tech" is short for "technique" or 
even the loaded "technology", then of course, abuse of dominance is a 
starting point for contemporary technique and technology.

I'm unsure though, and still wondering, how economies of scale enter in 
play here. For example, I would like to know the energy efficiency of 
self-hosting vs. huge data centers. It would have to take into account 
fabrication costs and environmental costs (e.g., water usage and warming 
up water, not only the cost of electricity, which is already skewed 
enough with nuclear power being considered as 'green' -- here you have 
one example of abuse of dominance in defining "tech").

Maybe what you mean is links related to interoperability.


Received on Monday, 3 April 2023 07:42:49 UTC