Re: Welcome / introductions

Dear all,

I'm looking forward to see how the work in this group performs :-)

A few words about me. I come from an information security background. I
worked at CERN, INRIA (CS PhD in privacy), University College London
(post-doc), International Committee for the Red Cross (advisor), European
Data Protection Supervisor (advisory/etc in tech and policy units). I also
advised in some tech policy matters in work at the European Parliament. I
act as an independent researcher and consultant in technology and tech

I was a member of the TAG, and I prepared some privacy assessments of web
standards (and research papers about these), for example about battery (
and light sensor (

My work is often at the intersections of technology, tech policy, and law
(data protection, recently I spent quite a lot of time on EU competition
law matters).


śr., 24 lis 2021 o 06:50 Mark Nottingham <> napisał(a):

> Hello everyone. Welcome to the Community Group!
> We're just getting started, so please excuse the quiet while we wait for
> people to join and allow the Americans their holiday. I'm aiming to hold an
> online meeting before the end of the year, so that we can start discussing
> how the group will function and what we want to focus on first.
> However, it'd first be good to get to know each other.  Please send an
> e-mail introducing yourself, including:
> * A brief summary of your background
> * Why you're participating in this group
> * Where you call home (so we can try to schedule meetings when it's not
> *too* painful for anyone)
> I'll start below.
> ---
> My name is Mark Nottingham, and I'm one of the folks who supported
> formation of this Community Group and coordinated drafting of the charter.
> I've worked in Internet and Web standards for more than 20 years, having
> chaired a few different groups (including HTTP and QUIC), authoring many
> RFCs (including the most recent revision of HTTP), and also being a member
> of the W3C Technical Architecture Group and Internet Architecture Board.  I
> currently work for Fastly, a US-based Content Delivery Network, and I'm
> also working on a Graduate Diploma in Communications Law at Melbourne Law
> School.
> I'm excited about combining architecturally sound, open specifications
> with the potential for a legal mandate from regulators -- while there are
> many risks, there are also opportunities to improve the Internet in ways
> that haven't been possible to date.
> I'm located in Melbourne, Australia.
> Cheers,
> P.S. If you haven't seen the group home page, please take a look at:
> --
> Mark Nottingham

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2021 11:44:16 UTC