- From: Max Novendstern <mnovendstern@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2018 17:09:46 +0000
- To: public-interledger@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAHfB9UnJ749svxX2Sr+8qhCRdjepkj2ZvyyA-5qKqKOrrZcRuA@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Interledger, I met Evan at the MIT Bitcoin Expo <http://mitbitcoinexpo.org/>, and he suggested I send an email to the Interledger community... I'm working on a crypto wallet called Universe, with the goal of using security tokens to increase access to savings and financing vehicles in emerging markets. Overview: http://bit.ly/universeoverview A major component of the project is financial systems integrations – API links to institutions that can intermediate the flow of fiat. I’m a big admirer of the open-source spirit of your work, and would love to explore if there's a way to leverage and contribute to your standards — particularly if there's someone in the community interested in this use-case, able to work with our team. I'll note, I sent a similar email to Mojaloop – I believe there's some project crossover, and that Mojaloop is honed-in on the EM use-case. I'll also add, the previous co I was at was Wave <http://wave.com> – a remittance app leveraging mobile money standards in Africa. I came to understand: payment systems interoperability really is at the crux of fundamental economic development matters. Cheers, Max
Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2018 18:27:40 UTC