On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 3:09 PM, Jehan Tremback <jehan.tremback@gmail.com>
> All channel implementations are dealing with a similar concept, and just
> do it in different ways to work on different platforms and have different
> capabilities. One of the main things that sets Lightning apart is that the
> code is very complex, to accommodate the limitations of Bitcoin script.
> Sure, you *could* use various layers and adapters to make it work, but
> would you want to? I'm guessing most people will want to use something that
> is tailored to their use-case and easy to build upon.
Yes, +1 this. While it's great that Lightning can work across ledgers, the
one problem you claim as unsolved (exchange rates) is already solved by
Interledger, and Interledger provides a substantially simpler and much more
general, *layered* implementation strategy.
I really wish the Lightning Network folks would consider isolating and
compartmentalizing some of their ideas into a more general system, and have
talked with a few of them in person about this, but until they do to me at
least it really doesn't seem more interesting than Interledger, just a lot
more highly-coupled and intrinsically complicated.