Re: [Ledger] An attempt to clean up the protocol architecture

Exactly 👍

On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 6:52 PM Ben Sharafian <> wrote:

> Ok, I think I have a better idea of what you're saying.
> It sounds like you're saying the ILP layer contains all information that
> is common between every hop (destination, destination amount, opaque data,
> condition, fulfillment, expiry). The lower level would then be used for all
> the transfer-local details (source amount, next connector account,
> custom/local data).
> If the lower level wanted to do anything related to the every-hop payment,
> i.e. escrow funds until the receipt has been produced, it would look into
> the ILP layer for that information. If the lower level didn't do any escrow
> or expiries that require every-hop details, it would simply function as a
> communication method.
> Is that right?
> On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Adrian Hope-Bailie <
> > wrote:
>> On 15 August 2017 at 16:00, Ben Sharafian <> wrote:
>>> In that case, the plugin or whatever is doing the accounting is the
>>>>>> ledger. Digital value is always tracked in ledgers, so I think it does make
>>>>>> sense to think of this as the base layer. The reason to abstract the
>>>>>> functionality you expect from the ledger layer is precisely so you can
>>>>>> handle it in different ways, depending on what the underlying systems
>>>>>> provide.
>>>>> I see 3 ways to think of the layer(s) underpinning ILP:
>>>>>    1. The "Ledger Layer" provides both messaging capabilities and
>>>>>    some type of HTLA
>>>>>    <>
>>>>>    1. There are separate plugins for messaging and for transfers and
>>>>>    when you peer with someone you have to agree on a plugin for each
>>>>>    1. We standardize the messaging part and say that all goes over IP
>>>>>    and then just have more minimal plugins for the on-ledger settlements
>>>>> Number 1 is what we have and I think that still makes the most sense.
>>> I think you're confusing implementation details and defining of
>>>> interfaces with definition of a protocol stack. The only differences
>>>> between the tree examples you have above is in implementation.
>>> I had to scroll up after reading this to make sure it was @adrian
>>> talking, because that seems like the opposite of what you were arguing for.
>> I don't think so. But I think that is part of the problem. We are not all
>> focused on the same thing. I am actually not very interested in CLP at all.
>> It is one of potentially many protocols that may exist below the ILP layer.
>> All we're doing by defining CLP is bootstrapping the network by defining a
>> protocol for everyone to use to get started.
>> In designing the ILP layer properly we should try and forget everything
>> we know about the lower layers other than what features we require of them.
>> There is a misconception that ILP requires the lower layers to support
>> conditional transfers, that is not true.
>> All we actually need from a lower layer protocol is to transfer data back
>> and forth and provide a way to reliably map requests to responses.
>> What ILP provides lower layers is a way to reward your peer for passing
>> on the packet. The Internetworking layer defines a condition, a reward that
>> must be paid to the receiver for the fulfillment and the time allowed to
>> claim this reward.
>> Because of this, within lower-layer protocols that offer the basic
>> request/response features we need, we could add conditional payment
>> semantics that use the condition, expiry and fulfillment provided by ILP.
>> This would allow a node to offer a reward to  their next peer to for
>> delivering the packet they send them and to make the local financial
>> transaction contingent on the end-to-end transaction.
>> But crucially, adding that semantic to the lower layer protocol provides
>> nothing extra to the ILP layer. The value is purely derived from the two
>> peers who use that protocol and can now use conditional payments to protect
>> themselves from their peers.
>>> The proposal that you're arguing for is basically asserting that we're
>>> going to be using CLP, because it makes the assumption that the connectors
>>> (who understand ILP) are managing the HTLA logic.
>> Not at all. I am asserting that it doesn't matter what protocol you use
>> below the ILP layer because it shouldn't matter. All of this talk about ILP
>> being different because money is more important than data is nonsense.
>> The difference between ILP and IP that makes ILP suitable for value
>> transfer and IP not is at the internetworking layer. ILP requires that all
>> packets are either a request or response and that the responses follow the
>> same path as the requests. Further ILP defines a signature scheme that
>> gives the sender a way to be certain the request was received by the
>> receiver.
>> *This could be done entirely without money* but then there would be
>> little incentive to sign the receipt or deliver the signature back to the
>> original sender.
>> So, if you add money then you add economic incentives to the mix. At each
>> hop the sender promises the next upstream peer a payment if they can return
>> the receipt. The net effect is that this can be used to transfer money from
>> the sender to the receiver by simply defining up front the amount that the
>> receiver must get to produce the signature.
>>> In the current model, the CLP/trustline model and the direct ledger
>>> model both work without having to treat anything on the ILP layer
>>> differently. We're favoring on-ledger messaging because of our
>>> implementation, yes, but we've been able to switch most all of our plugins
>>> from on-ledger messaging to RPC-based messaging without changing the ILP
>>> layer at all.
>>> With the ledger-level abstraction, we were able to switch from our
>>> ledger-based mode of thinking to the CLP/trustline based way without
>>> changing anything other than the plugin. Your argument comes from an
>>> assumption of a CLP-style ledger protocol with some underlying ledger,
>>> which we can't assume is always the case.
>> I'm not sure what any of that proves tbh. These are all implementation
>> concerns. They don't change the fact that the condition, expiry and
>> fulfillment are part of ILP not the lower layer protocols.
>>> From the perspective of the Interledger Protocol the implementation of
>>>> the lower layers is not important, that's the whole point of layering. By
>>>> forcing important aspects of ILP like the condition, fulfillment and expiry
>>>> down into those layers you muddy the waters and we now have to standardize
>>>> those protocols too. Instead we should just be defining the functions they
>>>> must provide and then leave it up to implementations to provide those
>>>> functions.
>>> I don't agree with this point; the condition and fulfillment have actual
>>> meaning to the ledger layer.
>> NO THEY DON'T! They have meaning to SOME ledgers that implement SOME
>> lower layer protocols, IF they choose to use them.
>> Excuse the shouting but this is the crux of the issue. We need to all
>> agree that it is entirely possible for a transfer to be done that doesn't
>> use the condition and fulfillment and that if this was in the middle of a
>> 10-hop ILP payment it would have no effect on the sender and receiver.
>>> You've said that the ledger often doesn't care about fulfillment and
>>> condition, but the ledger _layer_'s (where transfers are done) role is to
>>> take in condition and fulfillment and make a transfer which satisfies its
>>> HTLA.
>> No, the ledger's role is to keep a tab of net financial positions between
>> two peers. It MAY use conditions and fulfillments that it pulls from the
>> ILP layer to help it do that in a way both peers agree on.
>> Note that a "layer" doesn't have a role. I think there is some confusion
>> about the difference between layering the protocol and abstracting
>> functionality into different components.
>>> If the ledger layer has to look into the ILP packet to do so, that is a
>>> blatant breaking of layering.
>> Not at all! The module acting at the layers *below* the internetworking
>> layer shouldn't modify anything inside the packets of the higher layers but
>> they can definitely inspect them and adjust their behavior based on what
>> they to find.
>> In fact the prevalence of this is the subject of a lot of debate at the
>> IETF currently because endpoints are often encrypting their payloads and in
>> some cases this makes it difficult for middle-boxes to be effective at
>> their jobs.
>> By putting the condition, fulfillment, and expiry on the ledger layer, we
>>> leave it open for any ledger type to work, rather than forcing all
>>> ledger-layer software to understand ILP.
>> Actually you do the opposite. You make it a requirement of every protocol
>> below the ILP layer to define a way to carry these data elements and encode
>> and decode them, even if they don't use them
>> Ledger layer components don't have to understand ILP unless they choose
>> to re-use the condition for their own local transfer. Ledgers themselves
>> *never* have to understand ILP.
>> Remember a ledger layer protocol could use a completely different
>> conditional payments scheme, like atomic mode ILP, where it takes the
>> end-to-end condition and creates a new compound condition that depends on
>> the fulfillment and some notary signature.
>> There will be a component in a connector's stack that must pass the ILP
>> packet to the next peer. If it does this using a transfer protocol that
>> uses conditional transfers and wants to use the same condition as the ILP
>> packet then it must decode the packet.
>> But, it will likely do something with that condition before sending the
>> transfer to the ledger like encoding it differently or rehashing it
>> (lightning?) so that it's in the form expected by the ledger.
>> That's an implementation decision of the lower layer protocol used
>> between those two peers.
>>> I agree that Interledger defines how conditions, fulfillments, and
>>> expiries should be chained together, but it makes no assertions about their
>>> data format.
>> ILP doesn't define how anything is chained together. From the perspective
>> of ILP the condition and fulfillment are end-to-end data. They are agreed
>> by the two endpoints who don't care how they get from Alice to Bob and back.
>> The design of ILP is such that it facilitates the design of lower level
>> protocols that can be used to carry the ILP packets across multiple hops
>> (networks) using economic incentives such that the sender pays enough for
>> the first hop to ensure that all nodes in between can extract the fee they
>> want and the receiver will still get the amount they expected..
>>> ILP says you should send your outgoing transfer with the same condition
>>> as the incoming one, and a lower expiry.
>> No it doesn't. An internetworking protocol can't prescribe that kind of
>> thing to lower level protocols. An incoming and outgoing transfer could be
>> sent using completely different protocols and the financial agreement with
>> the peers on those two routes could be vastly different too.
>> The only service ILP requires of lower level protocols is that they can
>> map a response to an original request. This requirement is okay because it
>> is isolated to a single route/link at a time not a requirement that crosses
>> the inter-network boundary that ILP crosses.
>>> But because ILP allows for many different types of ledgers, it doesn't
>>> make sense to assert how these are encoded.
>> By putting them in the ILP packet you do the opposite. You make no
>> assertions about how they are encoded if they are used at lower layers, or
>> how they may be combined with other conditions or even used to derive new
>> conditions.
>>> IP doesn't tell you how to encode an ethernet packet. It doesn't even
>>> know whether it's going over a computer or a hand-written letter carried by
>>> a pigeon. IP takes for granted that you can send data over one connection
>>> by putting it in a lower level.
>> Correct, but if a link layer protocol wanted to look into the IP packet
>> headers of a packet it wants to transfer and use some data from there in
>> its internal logic (or even reuse data in it's own frame) that would be
>> totally fine.
>>> Even though IP tells you how to chain these connections together, it
>>> doesn't have to put the things it's chaining on the internetworking level.
>> IP doesn't tell you how to chain things together. IP simply defines the
>> end-to end data envelope and address space. Because of this nodes that
>> implement the multiple lower layer protocols are able to push IP packets
>> down a link and expect the node on the other side to understand the headers
>> and route it onward on another link.
>> Everything needed by the IP module to decide what to do with the packet
>> is in the IP packet headers. i.e. Has it exceeded a TTL? Is there a route
>> for this destination? Is it corrupted (checksum fails)? But also,
>> everything that is needed by the endpoint (like the source address) is also
>> in there.
>> There is no dependency on nodes to be good citizens and always pass
>> certain other data from the lower layers into the next link. That would be
>> breaking the layering.
>>> IP also assumes that if you get some incoming data on a connection you
>>> can copy it and send it out on the next connection. Because you can already
>>> send data over a connection, all IP adds is the missing piece: a packet
>>> that tells you where to go.
>>> With ILP, we assume that there is a way to prepare a conditional
>>> transfer, expire a conditional transfer, and fulfill a conditional
>>> transfer.
>> No we don't! We assume that if we deliver the packet as intended we'll
>> get back a response packet with a signature that matches the condition in
>> the packet. So, if we have an agreement with someone that they will pay us
>> when we present that signature then we are prepared to enter a similar
>> agreement with the next peer because we expect that signature to come all
>> the way back along the interledger layer route..
>>> We also assume that if you get an incoming transfer you can create an
>>> outgoing transfer with the same condition. The abstraction we made means
>>> that conditions and fulfillments are already carried in the lower levels.
>> That is a bad assumption that comes from the broken layering. What if my
>> outgoing link doesn't support conditional transfers? So now where do I put
>> the condition?
>>> We could have assumed that no ledgers ever support conditional
>>> transfers, and said the only thing ILP gets from lower levels is the
>>> ability to send a transfer. But if we want to support the case where any of
>>> them do, we have to keep the conditions and fulfillments in the layer where
>>> they're actually used.
>> I don't follow that logic at all. If we want to support the case where
>> any of them do then we must ensure the condition and expiry are always
>> carried in a consistent place at the internetworking layer so that if they
>> do want to use them they know where to find them.
>>> On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Adrian Hope-Bailie <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On 14 August 2017 at 22:03, Evan Schwartz <> wrote:
>>>>> I think this thread is going to get extremely unwieldy but here goes:
>>>>> > - All interledger layer messages should be ILP packets (including
>>>>> fulfillments) and be capable of carrying higher layer protocol payloads.
>>>>> Interledger has higher requirements than ILP for the lowest layer,
>>>>> specifically because we are carrying money and not just data. One of the
>>>>> requirements is being able to transmit a 32-byte fulfillment back along the
>>>>> same path that carried the payment originally. If we expect this of the
>>>>> lower layer, I don't see a point in putting the fulfillment into an ILP
>>>>> packet and transmitting it as Interledger data along the same path. All
>>>>> ledger-layer protocols will need to interpret the fulfillment passed in
>>>>> their protocol, not the one passed through the Interledger layer.
>>>> This is not correct. There is no requirement on ledger layer protocols
>>>> to transmit or understand the fulfillment. You are looking at this through
>>>> the lens of existing implementations from the bottom up instead of starting
>>>> at the interledger layer.
>>>> The primary function of the condition and fulfillment is as a signed
>>>> end-to-end receipt. If the sender agrees a condition with a receiver and
>>>> then gets back the valid fulfillment they don't care what happened in the
>>>> middle. The receiver has signed a receipt saying they have their money.
>>>> The value of using a standard for the receipt and signature is that
>>>> each transfer along the way CAN re-use it. One the one hand you can have a
>>>> transfer between two peers that have zero trust and the ledger they use
>>>> supports conditional payments completely. On the other extreme you can have
>>>> two peers that have a full trust and ignore the condition and fulfillment
>>>> completely.
>>>> The ledger layer protocols carry ILP packets. Payment requests and
>>>> either fulfillment or error responses. If a ledger layer protocol wants to
>>>> use the condition and fulfillment for their own operations they can extract
>>>> these from the ILP packets and use them.
>>>>> > - While it may make sense to split the interledger payment and
>>>>> interledger quoting protocols into new higher level protocols that seems
>>>>> like an unnecessary abstraction. Instead the packet definitions should just
>>>>> have some consistency and probably a common base/header.
>>>>> The current protocols effectively have this header but it isn't
>>>>> separated out. There are two fields in the request header: type and
>>>>> destination address. There is one field in the response header: type. I
>>>>> don't think it makes that much of a big difference to separate these fields
>>>>> if all of the fields in that packet need to be interpreted together (for
>>>>> example, you can't understand a quote request if you strip off the
>>>>> destination address).
>>>> I agree that we don't HAVE to explicitly separate them out but I think
>>>> ti would make it clearer how the stack is architected if there was a header
>>>> that was consistent across all packets. Currently the only thing that is
>>>> consitent across all ILP packets is that they are defined int he same file.
>>>>> > - We should define two base ILP packet types: request and response.
>>>>> Unless this adds some substantive benefit or new fields I don't think
>>>>> it's worth breaking all of the formats we have just to rearrange things.
>>>> The goal of this exercise is to tease out the best design and ignore
>>>> the cost of change until we can compare the results with the current design.
>>>>> > - ILP is not about ledgers, it is about trustlines between
>>>>> nodes/hosts.
>>>>> A ledger is any system that tracks accounts and balances. When you use
>>>>> a trustline all of your messages still need to go through an accounting
>>>>> system (such as the plugin in the JS implementation) and then on to the
>>>>> other program logic.
>>>> As above, this is incorrect. There is no requirement for "all messages
>>>> to go through an accounting system".
>>>> Since designing the first implementation of 5-bells ledger we have
>>>> assumed that passing the ILP packet MUST be done by the ledger because that
>>>> is how we implemented it. But that is not true. It is perfectly valid for
>>>> the passing of an ILP packet from one peer to another to be simply an
>>>> exchange of data.
>>>> The receiving peer makes a decision about whether or not to forward the
>>>> packet based on the current financial position they have with the sending
>>>> peer.
>>>> It is convenient if the ledger that records the net positions of the
>>>> peers also forwards the messaging and even better if it natively supports
>>>> conditional payments and can use the condition and the fulfillment from the
>>>> ILP packet for those but that's all it is, convenient.
>>>>> In that case, the plugin or whatever is doing the accounting is the
>>>>> ledger. Digital value is always tracked in ledgers, so I think it does make
>>>>> sense to think of this as the base layer. The reason to abstract the
>>>>> functionality you expect from the ledger layer is precisely so you can
>>>>> handle it in different ways, depending on what the underlying systems
>>>>> provide.
>>>>> I see 3 ways to think of the layer(s) underpinning ILP:
>>>>>    1. The "Ledger Layer" provides both messaging capabilities and
>>>>>    some type of HTLA
>>>>>    <>
>>>>>    2. There are separate plugins for messaging and for transfers and
>>>>>    when you peer with someone you have to agree on a plugin for each
>>>>>    3. We standardize the messaging part and say that all goes over IP
>>>>>    and then just have more minimal plugins for the on-ledger settlements
>>>>> Number 1 is what we have and I think that still makes the most sense.
>>>> I think you're confusing implementation details and defining of
>>>> interfaces with definition of a protocol stack. The only differences
>>>> between the tree examples you have above is in implementation.
>>>> From the perspective of the Interledger Protocol the implementation of
>>>> the lower layers is not important, that's the whole point of layering. By
>>>> forcing important aspects of ILP like the condition, fulfillment and expiry
>>>> down into those layers you muddy the waters and we now have to standardize
>>>> those protocols too. Instead we should just be defining the functions they
>>>> must provide and then leave it up to implementations to provide those
>>>> functions.
>>>> I know we want to define a standard to bootstrap the system (CLP) but
>>>> that's misleading us into thinking it's an essential part of the stack.
>>>> It's perfectly valid for two peers to not use CLP and still be part of the
>>>> Interledger.
>>>> That said, you raise an interesting consideration about the layers
>>>> below ILP and actually I think it makes sense to split these.
>>>> We keep trying to force messaging through the ledger layer and actually
>>>> that's the wrong place to put it if we can split the ledger layer into a
>>>> messaging layer and a ledger layer. That way we can stop trying to think of
>>>> all HLTAs as ledgers.
>>>> A thought, why not use sub-layers as is common in other stacks:
>>>> 1. Link layer: Layer upon which two peers that have a direct link, or
>>>> participate in the same payment network, communicate
>>>> 2. Transfer/ ledger: Layer on which financial positions between two
>>>> peers are recorded
>>>> This reflects the already emerging HTLA model and many of our existing
>>>> plugins and ledger integrations.
>>>> Link Layer: XRP Paychan, Lightning
>>>> Ledger Layer: XRP Ledger, Bitcoin
>>>> This doesn't prevent us from defining a standard binary protocol that
>>>> defines all of the operations for both layers (like CLP) but I see value in
>>>> distinguishing between these two.
>>>>> > - The protocol should differentiate between the operation of
>>>>> preparing a transfer on a ledger and the operation of passing an ILP packet
>>>>> from one peer to another.
>>>>> The protocol assumes your conditional transfer is underpinned by some
>>>>> HTLA
>>>>> <>.
>>>>> It doesn't care whether that's on-ledger or not.
>>>> What do you mean when you say "the protocol"? In my statement I am
>>>> referring to ILP.
>>>> My point above being that ILP expects ILP packets to be passed from
>>>> peer to peer but has no expectations about transfers.
>>>> It's perfectly legal (from an ILP perspective) for two peers to
>>>> exchange ILP packets with no transfers. Clearly if a node routes a packet
>>>> on and has no incoming transfer it's going to lose money but that's a
>>>> consideration for that node. It doesn't affect anyone else in the chain.
>>>> ILP doesn't assume anything about transfers at all, let alone
>>>> conditional transfers. It provides useful semantics for conditional
>>>> transfers to be used by two peers to transact as part of a larger ILP
>>>> payment.
>>>>> > - The condition and timeout should be included in the ILP payment
>>>>> packet.
>>>>> I strongly disagree with this. We had this debate a year ago and I was
>>>>> on your side but was convinced that this is not a good idea.
>>>> Yes, I recall this and I'm sorry I didn't push harder on this point.
>>>> Unfortunately I think the decision to pull it out of the packet is mostly
>>>> driven by how our prototypes were implemented rather than good architecture.
>>>>> The layer below ILP must be capable of doing conditional transfers
>>>>> based on sha256 hashlocks with 32-byte preimages.
>>>> This is not true and I think it would be useful for us to agree on this
>>>> as this seems to be the argument I am coming up against most often. The
>>>> peers participating in a transfer that is part of an ILP payment may wish
>>>> to use conditional transfers as a way to enforce their agreement but this
>>>> is not a requirement of the protocol.
>>>> The agreement between any two peers is: "I will pay you X if you can
>>>> provide a receipt that Y was paid Z before T".
>>>> ILP provides a standard for expressing this agreement so that these can
>>>> be chained together BUT it is not a requirement that every agreement in the
>>>> chain uses the condition, and fulfillment provided at the ILP layer.
>>>>> As a result, the original condition and the corresponding preimage
>>>>> MUST be expressed in that layer.
>>>> As I have shown above, this is not true.
>>>>> Then the question is whether we should also include it in the packet
>>>>> that is forwarded. What ultimately convinced me is the following: All
>>>>> connectors MUST ignore the condition if it is in the packet, because they
>>>>> are only guaranteed their money back if they use the same condition from
>>>>> the incoming transfer they got.
>>>> Here is where the layering is being corrupted.
>>>> All connectors MUST inspect the condition in the ILP packet as part of
>>>> their decision to route the packet or not.
>>>> When the local transfer module of the connectors stack passes the ILP
>>>> packet up to the ILP module it should indicate the properties of the
>>>> incoming transfer that carried the packet.
>>>> This is essential firstly so that the routing logic in the ILP module
>>>> can record the incoming transfer identifier so it is able to use the
>>>> correct response id when it passes back the fulfillment or error.
>>>> The other properties that the ILP module should look at are the
>>>> condition and expiry on the incoming transfer.
>>>> If the incoming route uses conditional transfers and these are supposed
>>>> to match the condition and expiry in the ILP packet then the ILP module
>>>> should compare them and reject the packet if:
>>>> a) the conditions don't match OR
>>>> b) the expiry is too short
>>>> We should still discuss if the expiry should be set by the sender and
>>>> left unchanged or used like a TTL and decremented by each node.
>>>>> Also, the receiver will need to take out the condition in order to
>>>>> hash the packet for PSK or IPR.
>>>> This is completely normal. Zeroing a checksum field in a header before
>>>> calculating the checksum is VERY common precisely because it's long been
>>>> accepted that the right place to put that data is in the headers and the
>>>> work of zero'ing it out to calculate the checksum (or signature in our
>>>> case) is not material.
>>>>> So basically, no one wants the condition in there. It feels like it
>>>>> ought to be in there, but literally none of the parties want the extra 32
>>>>> bytes in there.
>>>> "Nobody wants it there" is a terrible reason to abandon the correct
>>>> design. The whole purpose of a good architecture is you accept that there
>>>> may be cases in future that haven't been considered now so designing just
>>>> for the known cases is a bad idea.
>>>> Good architecture is not the same as optimization. Taking stuff out
>>>> (even when it feels wrong) to save a few bytes is a good sign that it's a
>>>> bad idea.
>>>>> The reason the timeout should not be in there is that there isn't a
>>>>> single timeout for the payment. There are multiple separate timeouts for
>>>>> each of the bilateral transfers. Those must go in the individual transfers
>>>>> and there is no sensible value to put in the Interledger packet.
>>>> As above, this is somewhat equivalent to the TTL in an IP packet. I'm
>>>> open to discussing if it should be a fixed value set by the sender where
>>>> each node uses their own value but has the sender-defined value as a
>>>> reference or it is actually decremented at each hop.
>>>> Either way, this is part of ILP not the ledger layer just like the
>>>> condition and fulfillment. It may be used by the ledger layer but that's
>>>> implementation specific. It belongs in the ILP packet.
> --
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Received on Tuesday, 15 August 2017 17:25:02 UTC