Re: Doubt about Websocket / Rest Messages sequence in ILP transaction

Hey Enrique,

Where is this code executing?
I think the reason it works is because you're changing the expiry in the
header which might not be a good thing.

I'll try and look tomorrow at the Java code and give you some thoughts!


On 16 November 2016 at 20:40, Enrique Arizon Benito <> wrote:

> Hi Evan,
> thanks a lot for the info.
> Definetly it put me in the right direction. Finally the timeout looks to
> be originated some issues with the "expire_at" data.
> I just juggled around with the code to make a first transfer work between
> the java ledger and the five-bells-ledger, but to say the true I'm not
> still really confident about my code. For example I just switched:
> // DTTM_expires: expires_at from the PUT /transfer/:id request
> // ilp_ph_expires: expires_at from the ilp_header
> if (! DTTM_expires.equals(ilp_ph_expires)){
>       ilp_ph_expires = DTTM_expires;
> }
> for
> if (! DTTM_expires.equals(ilp_ph_expires)){
>       DTTM_expires = ilp_ph_expires;
> }
> and that looks to work!, but don't ask me why :(
> Best Regards!
> Enrique Arizon Benito
> Software Architect,
> Tel: +34 976 482 080, ext 117064
> ------------------------------
> *De:* Evan Schwartz []
> *Enviado:* martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016 18:23
> *Para:* Enrique Arizon Benito
> *CC:* Interledger Community Group
> *Asunto:* Re: Doubt about Websocket / Rest Messages sequence in ILP
> transaction
> Hi Enrique,
> Try running the ILP module script and the connector with DEBUG=*.
> The things I would look for in the ILP module log output would be some
> error message when the client tries to submit the fulfillment or an error
> in the connector logs saying something about why it might not be forwarding
> the payment.
> The general message sequence is:
>    1. Sending client submits transfer to sending ledger
>    2. Sending ledger sends notifications of transfer being prepared to
>    sender and connector
>    3. Connector submits transfer to destination ledger
>    4. Destination ledger sends notifications to connector and receiver
>    5. Receiver submits fulfillment to destination ledger
>    6. Destination ledger sends notifications to receiver and connector
>    (with the fulfillment attached)
>    7. Connector submits fulfillment to sending ledger
>    8. Sending ledger executes transfer and sends notifications to
>    connector and sender
> Let me know if that helps. We can definitely talk about this on the CG
> call tomorrow if you have more questions.
> Best,
> Evan
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 4:16 PM, Enrique Arizon Benito <
>> wrote:
>> I created a test lab demo with 2 five-bells-ledgers, a java ledger and
>> the ilp-connector. Now I try to tests transaction between the different
>> ledgers using the Combined-Example at
>> js/ilp. It works fine using 2 five-bells-ledger (as expected). When I
>> try to make a trans. from java ledger to five-bells-ledgers it fails with a
>> timeout (transaction expired). I can see the ws messages sending the
>> notification about a new prepared transaction.
>> For some reason that I ignore the fulfillment is never "triggered", due
>> (I suppose) to a missing web socket message or PUT request, but even using
>> tcpdump to compare the network traces I can NOT find the problem.
>>  The real problem is that I'm not 100% sure about the expected message
>> sequence between the "wallet" (ilp Combined-Example), the ledger/s and the
>> ILP so I'm not sure how/where to start debugging the problem.
>>  Is there any documentation detailing this sequence of Websocket / Rest
>> messages for a full transaction?
>> Regards,
>> Enrique Arizon Benito
>> Software Architect,
>> Tel: +34 976 482 080, ext 117064
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> --
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