- From: Adrian Hope-Bailie <adrian@hopebailie.com>
- Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 13:00:18 +0200
- To: Interledger Community Group <public-interledger@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CA+eFz_JnV57NwaOD4Mp2hLu4PdOCQ_sxW2JiSR5LdKcffkyx-g@mail.gmail.com>
Here's the agenda for the call this week. A reminder that we will be recording the call as requested by some members unless there are objections to doing so. 1. Co-chair nomination - Dimitri de Jonghe 2. interledger.org - quick talk through the new website and how all of the new content is organised 3. Payment Channels - discuss an idea to make it possible for anyone to join the "interledger" as a connector that does clearing and netting between trusted counter-parties. 4. Events - Adrian will give an update on some events planned for the coming months 1. London Workshop - 6 July 2. IETF Berlin - 17 - 23 July 3. W3C TPAC - Lisbon - 19 - 23 September Don't forget we use IRC during the meeting to manage the queue and take notes. #interledger at irc.w3.org Dial in details: To join or start the meeting, go to: https://bluejeans.com/795795755 (Try your iPhone or Android phone) Connecting directly from a room system? 1) Dial: or bjn.vc 2) Enter Meeting ID: 795795755 -or- use the pairing code Just want to dial in? (http://bluejeans.com/numbers) 1) +1 408 740 7256 +1 888 240 2560 (US Toll Free) +1 408 317 9253 (Alternate Number) 2) Enter Meeting ID: 795795755
Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 11:00:47 UTC