Re: PoC

Thanks Evan.

I will have a look at #1 (and looking forward for #2!)

Will try to implement the PoC over the next weeks to mirror what we have done in the live project (Elavon + Santander + Ripple + Earthport).

Btw, do you see anything wrong with my membership/submission to the list?

From: Evan Schwartz <<>>
Date: Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at 10:57
To: Javier Romero <<>>
Cc: "<>" <<>>, Gregor Gololicic <<>>, "<>" <<>>
Subject: Re: PoC

There are two ways you could go to make this work.

1) Write a ledger plugin<> that issues the relevant commands for your legacy ledger.
2) Gregor Gololicic, Robert Boothby and others have suggested developing a ledger adaptor that implements the crypto conditions, holds, and notifications needed by clients and connectors. This could implement a standard ledger API that would (greatly) reduce the number of plugins clients need to support.

I really like #2, but since this is a relatively new idea it'll take a little bit of time to get it set up.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Romero, Javier (ISBANUK) <<>> wrote:
Hi guys,

I am trying to do an internal PoC with ILP with one of our existing processes and had a quick question:

In the case of "legacy" ledgers, do I need to build an ilp ledger on top or could a connector be sufficient?

This was my understanding:

But I am not sure now?

BTW, is this the correct forum to ask this type of questions? Apologies if it's not!


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Evan Schwartz | Software Architect | Ripple

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2016 14:33:27 UTC