ILP Connector Quoting

Hey All,

I have a few questions around Connector "quoting" in ILP.

   1. In the Interledger Architecure document
   there's a reference to ILQP, but not much specific information.  Are there
   any more details around this, such as a flow-diagram or document that
   outlines how quoting is envisioned to work?

   2. For multi-connector transfers where a source and final destination
   are known, *and* all of the Connector hops are are known, who does the
   source connector "ask" for a quote?  Reading the architecture document, it
   appears that the source connector merely queries various connectors
   "connected" to the destination ledger and picks the best one.  However, how
   does the final hop connector (the destination) know the total quote that
   any connectors in the path might "charge"?  Just wondering how the
   mechanism is envisioned to work.

Thanks for any input!


Received on Thursday, 14 April 2016 01:58:19 UTC