- From: Bob Way <bob@ripple.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 14:26:07 -0800
- To: Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com>
- Cc: Evan Schwartz <evan@ripple.com>, Stefan Thomas <stefan@ripple.com>, Interledger Community Group <public-interledger@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <61190D54-4B27-4AEE-BB10-5566D0D13B7C@ripple.com>
Just to expand a little on what Evan said. Existing ledgers can easily be augmented to support escrowed transfers. But it will take a little extra code in order to implement and provide the necessary API for connectors to call. Bob Way Software Engineer | Ripple bob@ripple.com <mailto:ben@ripple.com> | ripple.com <http://ripple.com/> > On Nov 4, 2015, at 2:12 PM, Evan Schwartz <evan@ripple.com> wrote: > > For a ledger to be integrated with ILP the main requirement is that it support escrowed transfers based on cryptographic conditions. That is a hard requirement that protects participants in a payment from one another. > > That said, ledgers do not have to use the same data formats, APIs, etc to be integrated with ILP. Bitcoin will speak the Bitcoin protocol, banks may use ISO 20022 messages, etc. Connectors can translate between those formats. All ledgers in a payment chain must understand the same cryptographic condition though. > > On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com <mailto:melvincarvalho@gmail.com>> wrote: > > > On 4 November 2015 at 03:16, Stefan Thomas <stefan@ripple.com <mailto:stefan@ripple.com>> wrote: > > Data model: Is it documented anywhere? > > https://github.com/interledger/five-bells-shared/tree/master/schemas <https://github.com/interledger/five-bells-shared/tree/master/schemas> > > Is there a difference between users and accounts? > > Right now, no. But this is on our radar as a possible future feature. > > > What values are permitted as valid users/accounts -- are they all strings, or can it be a URI? > > Accounts are a resource owned by the ledger, so they are given as a URL in all public facing JSON. Internally, the ledger uses a string as a username. > > Very interesting, thanks! > > Are all ledgers expected to run ILP, or can ILP ledgers interact with ledgers that dont run ILP? > > > On Nov 3, 2015 4:53 AM, "Melvin Carvalho" <melvincarvalho@gmail.com <mailto:melvincarvalho@gmail.com>> wrote: > > > On 2 November 2015 at 17:47, Evan Schwartz <evan@ripple.com <mailto:evan@ripple.com>> wrote: > We've released our reference implementation of the Interledger Protocol. Try out the demo at https://github.com/interledger/five-bells-demo <https://github.com/interledger/five-bells-demo> > > <Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 1.37.44 AM.png> > × <> > > > > This is a basic implementation of the Universal mode of the protocol. The demo runs a number of independent ledgers and connectors and allows you to select any two ledgers and send an interledger payment between them. This is meant to illustrate how easy it could (and arguably should) be to send money between payment networks. > > More documentation, draft specs, and other use case demos to come but we're looking forward to hearing your feedback on this in the meantime! > > Thanks for sharing. I've looked through the code and it looks pretty impressive, tho I've not yet tried to run it. > > A question about the data model. > > 1. Is it documented anywhere? > 2. Is there a difference between users and accounts? > 3. What values are permitted as valid users/accounts -- are they all strings, or can it be a URI? > > Thanks! > > > -- > Evan Schwartz | Software Architect | Ripple > <http://ripple.com/> > > > > > -- > Evan Schwartz | Software Architect | Ripple Labs > <http://ripple.com/>
Received on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 22:26:30 UTC