Information and the Postmodern Socio-Cultural Conditions...

Dear public-informationarchitecture,

How would the reading above on "hyperrealities as hypertexts" works for Web
architecture, applications and designs --we may among others refer to what
are described at "Design Issue: Architectural and Philosophical Points" and
Steven Pemberton's writings...


Note: to public-xformsusers, below is the first two paragraph of the past
message (sent to and January 4th 2020):

"Information" and the Web today and tomorrow...?

In sorting out and appraise the contributions and limitations of
perspectives that map allegedly novel postmodern socio-cultural conditions,
there was "Baudrillard en route to Postmodernity"  telling about an
intellectual figure Jean Baudrillard having concerns by his works (1980s)
with among others computerization, information processing, media,
cybernetic control system and the organization of society according to
simulation codes and models: those bringing him to an understanding on
trinity of simulations, implosion, and hyperreality --that predix "hyper-"
reminds us about "Hyper Text (Markup Language)"...

(Those what I find in my note made possible by a machine-based copy: Best,
Steven and D. Kellner, "Postmodern Theories: Critical Interrogations", The
Guilford Press, New York, 1991 pp.111-145, especially pp. 118-122)

Guntur Wiseno Putra

Pada Senin, 06 Januari 2020, Guntur Wiseno Putra <>

> Dear public-informationarchitecture,
> public-appsdesignlab,
> public-xformsusers
> "Baudrillard (1983a & 1983b) describes the implications for a theory and
> politics of a postmodern society in which 'radical semiurgy' , the
> constantly accelerating proliferation of signs, produces simulations that
> create new forms of society, culture, experience, and subjectivity" (Best &
> Kellner, p. 27).
> Signs...texts...? Texts are linguistic artifacts/practices whereas,
> considering F. Sussure's semiotic theory, "language is 'system of signs
> that expresses ideas', or signifieds, through differing signifiers that
> produce meaning". (ibid., p. 19) (Saussure's semiotics was one French
> Structuralism (1960s) had roots --" (French) structuralists applied
> structural-linguistic concepts to the human sciences" (ibid., p. 18).
> "...while sharing with structuralism a dismissal of the concept of the
> autonomous subject, postructuralism stressed the dimensions of history,
> politics, and everyday life in the contemporary world which tended to be
> suppressed by the abstractions of structuralism" (ibid., p. 20)
> "Poststructuralism forms part of the matrix of postmodern theory, (and
> while the theoretical breaks described as postmodern directly related to
> poststructuralist critiques, ... poststructuralism (is) a subset of a
> broader range of theoretical, cultural and social tendencies which
> constitute postmodern theories)" (ibid., p. 25).
> "Postmodern theory generally follows poststructuralist theory in the
> primacy given to discourse theory... (seeing) all social phenomena (thus
> realities as phenomena) as structured semiotically by codes and rules, and
> therefore amenable to linguistic analysis, utillizing the model of
> signification and signifying practices (ibid., p. 26)
> "Postmodern theory provides a critique of representation and the modern
> belief that theory mirrors reality, taking instead "perspectivist" and
> "relativist" positions that theories at best provide partial perspectives
> on their objects, and that all cognitive representations of the world are
> historically and linguistically mediated" (ibid., p. 4).
> Postmodern theories deal with representations, of realities, thus concern
> with texts in such particular ways... to the degrees where texts are
> critically analogous or constitutive in such ways to realities, to say that
> realities are textual in such ways...Yet, "most postmodern theorists are
> not linguistic idealists or pan-textualists, who reduce everything to
> discourse or textuality" (ibid., p. 27) Baudrillard (1981) describes a
> semiurgic society in which signs take on a life of their own and constitute
> social order structured by models, codes, and signs... (he) advances a sort
> of technological determinism whereby models and codes become the primary
> determinants of social experience (ibid., p. 119). The Baudrillardian
> universe of simulacra without referents (is) an effect of the
> poststructuralist critique of meaning and reference taken to an extreme
> limit where the effluence of simulacra replaces the play of textuality or
> discourses in a universe with no stable structures in which to anchor
> theory or politics" (ibid., p. 121).
> If texts are understood as being critically analogous, or critically
> constitutive --considering those notes above--, to realities then
> concerning with "hypertext" which is about "hyperrealities as hypertexts"
> we may say architecturally --by understanding on text as a building-- about
> "text forms", "text spaces", & "text orders"...?
> Regard,
> Guntur Wiseno Putra
> Pada Sabtu, 04 Januari 2020, Guntur Wiseno Putra <>
> menulis:
>> Dear public-informationarchitecture,
>> "Information" and the Web today and tomorrow...?
>> In sorting out and appraise the contributions and limitations of
>> perspectives that map allegedly novel postmodern socio-cultural conditions,
>> there was "Baudrillard en route to Postmodernity"  telling about an
>> intellectual figure Jean Baudrillard having concerns by his works (1980s)
>> with among others computerization, information processing, media,
>> cybernetic control system and the organization of society according to
>> simulation codes and models: those bringing him to an understanding on
>> trinity of simulations, implosion, and hyperreality --that predix "hyper-"
>> reminds us about "Hyper Text (Markup Language)"...
>> (Those what I find in my note made possible by a machine-based copy:
>> Best, Steven and D. Kellner, "Postmodern Theories: Critical
>> Interrogations", The Guilford Press, New York, 1991 pp.111-145, especially
>> pp. 118-122)
>> Regard,
>> Guntur Wiseno Putra

Received on Monday, 6 January 2020 07:42:56 UTC