
Hi group ! 

I'm Sébastien Desbenoit. English is not my first language, sorry for the grammar. 

I'm happy to join the Accessible Infographics community group. 

Part of my job is to build infographics and i'm designing some for the www2012 conférence. Until now, the sole thing I have done for accesibility is adding a transcript after the image file. I'm currently working with Jérémie Pattonier from the SVG WG to improve this. 

I'd like this group to build an accessible infographic guidline and improve technics and tool.  

Best Regards, 

Sébastien Desbenoit


Sébastien Desbenoit
twitter :  @desbenoit
blog :
agence :
mobile :  +33 (0)6 98 54 92 93

Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 14:42:54 UTC