from January 2015 by thread

IndieUI Telecon Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2015 Katie Haritos-Shea GMAIL (Wednesday, 21 January)

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 21 January at 22:00Z for 60 minutes Janina Sajka (Tuesday, 20 January)

Question for the group regarding IndieUI context integration Richard Schwerdtfeger (Friday, 9 January)

IndieUI-ACTION-97: Consider changing navigator.usersettings to window.usersettings (security model may require it in order to limit third partiy access) Independent User Interface Task Force Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 7 January)

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 7 January at 22:00Z for 60 minutes Janina Sajka (Tuesday, 6 January)

Last message date: Wednesday, 21 January 2015 23:05:18 UTC