Re: [Events] continuous event types added to support direct manipulation of some physical interfaces

This is a really good explanation. Do you mind if I use some of this prose in the spec to explain the forthcoming “UI Action Trigger” or “UI Action Controller” concepts?

On Mar 6, 2014, at 1:55 AM, Jason White <> wrote:

> James Craig <> wrote:
>> It became apparent when planning a JavaScript polyfill of
>> UIScrollRequestEvent that its current form would only support discrete user
>> actions (keyboard control and AT control) but not continuous user actions
>> including some types of mouse, touch, or wheel events. 
> Given what James proposed at the meeting today to handle
> UIValueChangeRequestevent, one way of understanding the solution is in two
> phases:
> 1: We provide a general abstraction for direct manipulation
> (ContinuousUIManipulationRequestEvents), which are independent of the input
> device used - touch, mouse, wheel, camera/gesture, etc.
> 2: We then associate these continuous UI manipulations with events that modify
> the state of a widget, such as UIValueChangeRequestEvent. That the element
> which receives the direct manipulation events need not be the same as that
> which listens for higher-level value and other changes is a matter of detail
> that can be handled in the design.
> In this approach, the application supplies code to establish the
> correspondence between continuous UI manipulations and value changes, allowing
> the visual interface to be constructed according to the author's preferences.

Received on Thursday, 6 March 2014 10:02:36 UTC