- From: Richard Schwerdtfeger <schwer@us.ibm.com>
- Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 23:41:15 -0600
- To: "Michael Cooper" <cooper@w3.org>
- Cc: "Independent User Interface Task Force" <public-indie-ui@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <A25B3441-5E1A-4113-B418-983ED032B945@us.ibm.com>
Thank you Michael. Sent from my iPad On Jun 20, 2014, at 5:21 PM, "Michael Cooper" <cooper@w3.org> wrote: I've made minor edits to the abstract based on Rich's comments. Abstracts need to be short and so don't go into every last detail, but I think I managed to integrate Rich's points. I'm not touching the introduction section as an editorial edit during the publication phase. But I agree we could improve it. I've made a note to address that with the group's participation before we do the next publication. I haven't received substantive feedback from anybody else and will assume everybody is ok with it. The end of today is the last time I can integrate edits before I kick off the formal publication process, at which point we're stuck with what we have. Michael On 17/06/2014 1:05 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote: Michael, I read the abstract. This specification defines more than a set of preferences. It also defines: - an API vehicle for listening for preference (setting) changes - an API for accessing the preferences - user agent requirements for restricting access to user settings to preserve privacy I would also point out in the introduction that preference (setting) changes could be driven in response to a user's setting or by changes for user agents operating on devices capable of detecting conditions that would warrant a change in user settings such as areas with significant background noise and poor lighting. I would like to see changes to this effect in the abstract - in particular the piece on privacy. It needs to made clear that privacy was considered in the design of Indie UI User Context. Regards, Rich Rich Schwerdtfeger <M2.2.gif>Michael Cooper ---06/17/2014 11:32:16 AM---One of my jobs for a TR publication is to ensure that the abstract is good, the "Status of this doc From: Michael Cooper <cooper@w3.org> To: Independent User Interface Task Force <public-indie-ui@w3.org> Date: 06/17/2014 11:32 AM Subject: [Please review: Abstract, Status, Images] Re: CfC to Publish User Context FPWD (Amended) One of my jobs for a TR publication is to ensure that the abstract is good, the "Status of this document" section accurately reflects the current status and appropriately requests input, and that the document passes publication rules including WCAG 2.0 AA conformance. For the First Public Working Draft, I have to get formal approval on these before publication can proceed. I'd like to make sure the WG is ok with them before I solicit that approval. I have posted some edits to the review version; please take a second look at it from the perspective of the points raised after the link. I need this review no later than the close of the initial CfC period (23 June) but ideally sooner. I consider these as editorial changes, so not invalidating the CfC timeline, but still important for the group to look at. https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndieUI/raw-file/June_2014_FPWD/src/indie-ui-context.html Abstract: I expanded the formerly very short abstract to describe what the user context spec does. I also pointed out its benefits to people with disabilities, notwithstanding an interest in making this as mainstream as possible, because I don't anticipate approval without specific wording on accessibility. I tried to otherwise word it in as mainstream a manner as possible. I also mentioned the privacy considerations as it seems a big part of the spec and so abstract-worthy. Status: Some of this is boilerplate, but there is wording about what is in this particular publication, what we're still working on, and what we particularly need input on. That includes the privacy issue and the specific set of properties that should make the 1.0 version. Please review this to make sure I accurately characterized the status and questions we have for the public. Note that some aspects of the status are boilerplate requirements, but hopefully it is clear which parts are open to WG input. Images: There are two images in the document (one SVG), which have captions but not extended descriptions. Please check if the images are sufficiently described by their captions and surrounding context, or if we need to provide additional extended descriptions. On a quick check, I think they might be ok as is, but want to make sure others weigh in on it. It's important for an accessibility-oriented group to be very sure we've fully met guidelines in this respect. Michael On 16/06/2014 2:36 PM, Janina Sajka wrote: > Colleagues: > > This is an amended Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish a First Public Working > Draft (FPWD) of our User Context module specification. > > We have amended the URI of the document you should review in order that > it be a persistent URI for reasons of historical authenticity. The new, correct URI of the document to review is: > > https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndieUI/raw-file/June_2014_FPWD/src/indie-ui-context.html > > Please note that the action items we requested be completed for this > FPWD publication are now complete. So, no further substantive edits are > contemplated to this document prior to publication. Editorial changes, > such as spelling and punctuation corrections, may occur. The enumeration > of action items postponed, and of those required for this publication > can be found in the minutes of our regular teleconference of 11 June > last at: > > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2014Jun/0002.html > > According to agreed Task Force procedure this CfC is now open for > objection, comment, as well as statements of support via email. Silence > will be interpreted as support, though messages of support are certainly > welcome. > > If you have objections to this publication, or any comments concerning > this proposed publication, please respond by replying on list to this > message no later than midnight Boston Time, Monday 23 June. If no > objections are received by this deadline, this CfC will be confirmed as > a consensus resolution of the IndieUI Task Force and publication of > this document will proceed. > > Janina > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.443.300.2200 > sip:janina@asterisk.rednote.net > Email: janina@rednote.net > > Linux Foundation Fellow > Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: http://a11y.org > > The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) > Chair, Protocols & Formats http://www.w3.org/wai/pf > Indie UI http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/ > >
Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 05:41:51 UTC